This was originally written by MenzAgitat, you can find his versions here
- Place both the tcl script and the dir from the git in your /eggdrop/scripts/ dir.
- Add
source scripts/Duck_Hunt.tcl
to you eggdrop.conf file - Start your duck hunt. Or if it's already running use the Partyline and rehash your eggdrop.
- To activate Duckhunt
- In the Partyline:
.chanset #ChanName +DuckHunt
- Then give the bot at least voice in your channel
- In the Partyline:
- To deactivate Duckhunt
- In the Partyline:
.chanset #ChanName -DuckHunt
- In the Partyline:
- added option to turn off nick tracing
- new topduck options
- 'top#' where the # is the # of players to return
- '#channel' to return a different channels topduck
- 'ducks' to get the list of players with the most ducks shot
- Small fix to block anyone from acting like the relay bot.
- Incresed player lvl to 100
- Added new help msg
- Fixed the preducklaunch msg the duck detector did not notify the user with ample time.
- throttling override for owners
- topduck to get the top 5 players
- changed all pronouns to be none gender
- adding in a function for irc relay players
- shop list can now output both a url and a irc message rather then 1 or the other
- shop 1 & shop 2 now have the abillity to be purchesed for a player other then yourself