A modern, robust, and extensible commandline hex editor.
NOTE: To reduce the number of dependencies of the core editor. The builtin plugins have been moved into separate packages. They are hexabyte_extended_info and hexabyte_entropy.
~/$ pip install hexabyte
~/$ hexabyte --help
usage: hexabyte [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILEPATH] [-s] [files ...]
Hexabyte can operate in three distinct modes. Single file mode opens a single file with a single editor. Split screen mode opens a single file with a split screen view. Diff
mode opens two files side by side.
positional arguments:
files Specify 1 or 2 filenames
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify config location. Default: ~/.config/hexabyte/config.toml
-s, --split Display a single file in two split screen editors.
Help Screen
Command Prompt
Single File - Split Screen
Single File - Hexadecimal View Mode
UTF8 View Mode
Binary View Mode
Hexabyte's interface is highly customizable. You can adjust the column size and column count for each view mode.
Hexabyte functionality can be extended through the use of plugins.
~/$ git clone /~https://github.com/thetacom/hexabyte
~/$ cd hexabyte
hexabyte/$ poetry install
hexabyte/$ make test