UT IGVC TEAM: This is an old repository for my own personal reference. Do not use the code in this repository for anything in production.
WORKSPACE IS IN CATKIN_WS - build and run instructions are there also
Most updated code is in the WIP Scripts folder. Find old code in the old folder.
Need OpenCV, python3, numpy, pyrealsense2 Built for ROS Noetic
FOR THE NEWER, FASTER, BETER ONE LABELLED newpothole.py- pip install opencv-contrib-python
- otherwise, you cannot use the functions used (that come from the 2017 paper you can find if you dig deeper) https://forum.opencv.org/t/a-fast-ellipse-detection-method-in-opencv-4-7-0/11586/2
TO-DO: TI MSPM0G3507 MotorFIFO implementation