Medical Website README The brief for this website was to create a patient management system for a eyesight medical company.
- The website must have a simple user interface
- The website must be accessible and have readable fonts for users
Tech Stack Font-End React.JS Next.JS JavaScript TypeScript Hosting on Vercel
Project Process
- Day 0 - Understanding project brief and managing delivery expectations
- Day 1 - Creating basic website components - medical cards, buttons, sections
- Day 2 - Opting to implement Tailwind.css styling for pages instead of bespoke components
Project Features
- Component-Based Architecture
- Responsive Website design - hoverings, links,
- Accessibility - image alternative text
Project Difficulties
- Time consumption of designing bespoke components for each page
Project Lessons
- Save time and possibly quality of design by using Tailwind.css and tweaking where necessary
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