This is the code for my online portfolio. I'm a front-end web developer and designer whose been working on the web for over 15 years.
In the spirit of Default Design, all the colors used in this design are CSS spec Color Module Level 3 named colors and all the fonts are traditional web-safe font-stack fonts (with a serious attempt to get Adrian Frutiger's work to show up on your screen). Also this makes text more usable faster for the reader.
Just clone the repo, install node modules and run yarn start
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Then open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
The unit tests are powered by Jest and are pretty basic. shell
$ yarn test
$ yarn build # Builds a static site to /build folder
$ yarn deploy # Deploys the project to GitHub Pages
The static build is pushed to the /~ repo where it is hosted as a Github page.
Source code repo: /~
Github page repo: /~
The code for this site was developed starting from create-react-app.