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For Rentomojo Internship Test. Importantg note: Live deployed url in README not working any more. Please deploy locally.

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Folders and files

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Live deployed:


  • Login: Secured hashed passowrd in db using bcrypt
  • See comments without login
  • Login to post comment
  • Login to upvote/downvote on comments posted by other but not on their own.
  • Can get to add only one upvote or downvote on a particular comment. To change vote one can remove previous vote and click on other type of vote.
  • Can remove their own upvotes/downvotes.
  • Logged in user can view their own votes highlighted.
  • Logout
  • Responsive

Tech used

  • express.js
  • passport.js for authentication (server side sessions and cookies used)
  • bcrypt for hashing
  • realtional database : sqlite (Used objections.js (knex.js based) which can connect to MySql, Postgres etc. too)
  • react.js + redux + semantic-ui for frontend UI

Development Instructions:

What ypu need before: Node 10+ LTS, npm, yarn, linux/mac needed


Clone this repo on your machine then follow the below instructions:

  • server backend

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd server
      • Run tests in server folder using: npm install
  • Frontend react app: You will need yarn package manager so install it before: npm will also work fine but this react.js app's boilerplate was created using create-react-app utility which uses and recommend yarn so I stuck with it for frontend.

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd comment_spa
      • Run tests in server folder using: yarn install


Backend is tested a lot. Most of code and edge cases have been covered. Simple Non complex Code paths tests remain.

  • Unit tests

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd server
      • Run tests in server folder using: npm run test_unit
  • Integration tests

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd server
      • Run tests in server folder using: npm run test_integration

All tests will pass


Run server first.

  • server backend

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd server
      • Run tdev backend server: npm run dev_server
  • Frontend react app: You will need yarn package manager so install it before: npm will also work fine but this react.js app's boilerplate was created using create-react-app utility which uses and recommend yarn so I stuck with it for frontend.

    • Follow these steps
      • Go to server folder using: cd comment_spa
      • Serve react app using: yarn start

NOTE: During development the network requests or CORS issue due to different localhost ports of frontend and backend is solved using proxy feature (see package.json of comment_spa) provided by create-react-app.

Test credentials

Login using any of these combination. Case sensitive.

  • Test user 1

    • username: test1
    • password: testpass1
  • Test user 2

    • username: test2
    • password: testpass2
  • Test user 3

    • username: test3
    • password: testpass3
  • Test user 4

    • username: test4
    • password: testpass4

DB relation ships Note: As a user can only vote once on a comment the Vote table must contain only one vote for a particular (comment id,user id) pair so it's defined as Composite Primary Key.

Folder overview

  • server/ backend code
    • models/ contain model classes and methods that access database. Objections.js library used for models
    • controllers/ contain controller methods that take requests and call services and set response
    • services/ Business logic separated as services in service folder so that controller are thin. services call models and their methods for DB access.
    • tests/ Test files. Contain unit tests, integration tests and test data fixtures.
    • seed/ Have files needed to seed data in database by knex.
    • migration/ DB schema files defined and used by knex
    • knexfile.js connection configs for database.
    • db/config.js return instance of knex db connection. Needed to connect to database.
    • app.js express.js main app.js file
    • index.js files that make app start listening to port 4000.
    • validators/ files validate incoming request before hitting to controller
    • middlewares/ Authentication middleware files in this folder. Uses passport.js
    • errors/ Custom errors.
    • package.json Contains dependencies
    • package-lock.json Contain stable locked version of dependencies
    • routes/ contain express router defined url routes files. Define which controller will handle request coming to a path or route.
  • comment_spa frontend code
    • src/ main src all work is done here
      • components/ folder contains all UI components.
      • redux/ All data, API calls and app state related stuff in files under this folder
        • actions.js For making API calls and other UI actions.
        • state.js Intial state of app is defined here
        • reducers.js Catches actions and payload and modify and return new data state for components. UI changes based on state change produced by reducers.
        • configureStore.js Used for initialising store and applying middlewares like redux-thunks used for API Calls.
    • build/ contains prod builds when yarn build command is run


For Rentomojo Internship Test. Importantg note: Live deployed url in README not working any more. Please deploy locally.






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