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Repository files navigation

Laravel Repository and Service Class


A simplified method to have all Eloquent Queries isolated in other classes than Eloquent in order to prevent code duplication or easily add caching.

Without a classical Repository implementation, this is just a new layer class over Eloquent.


A different layer to put the bussiness logic in. Following the pattern: request -> controller -> call service -> get data from repository -> apply some logic -> return -> response

Added Interfaces for Model

The repository will implement an interface for the model, so you can easily switch the model in the repository.


composer require thecoderepublic/repository

In config/app.php at 'providers' add:



php artisan make:repo {modelName}

This creates a new repo in app/Repositories Ex: php artisan make:repo Product will create app/Repositories/ProductRepository.php

in constructor of ProductRepository.php the model will be setup to use App\Models\Product and $this->model = $model $model being the instance of Product.

php artisan make:service {serviceName}

This creates a new service in app/Services ex: php artisan make:repo ProductSearch will create app/Service/ProductSearchService.php

php artisan make:logic {modelName} This creates a new service in app/Services and a new repo in app/Repositories Ex: php artisan make:logic Product will create app/Repositories/ProductRepository.php , app/Services/ProductService.php and app/Interface/ProductInterface.php

in the constructor of 'ProductSearchService.php` you can inject all the repositories you need in order to perform the business logic you want.

ProductSearchService can be injected in methods of a controller, command or other service.

use App\Service\ProductSearchService
public function doSomeStuff($productSearchService ProductSearchService)
    $this->productSearchService = $productSearchService;