Get started With Flask Social Media project #socialmedia #flask #flasksocialmedia
Overview Flask-Social-Media is a Social Media Platforms aimed towards sharing Post or content through Flask Media. Flask-Social-Media provides the user with complete control of their posts such as creation, editing, deletion, like, as well as saving favourite comments for later reference.
make virtual python -m venv virt source virt/Scripts/activate pip freeze
Install Libraries pip install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-WTF Flask-Migrate Flask-Login SQLAlchemy WTForms Werkzeug
then check cmd: pip freeze
- Make a sqlalchmey database into computer winpty python => create sqlalchmey database
cmd: from app import db cmd: db.create_all()
- Migrations database
git terminal cmd: flask db init git terminal cmd: flask db git terminal cmd: flask db migrate -m 'Initial Migration' cmd: flask db upgrade
- update migrations database then any time need update data with Migrate cmd: flask db migrate -m "commit something added new data" cmd: flask db upgrade
5.Run Flask Social Media Project git terminal cmd: source virt/Scripts/activate git terminal cmd: flask run