This repo has a folder for each respective area of dotfiles. In each you will find a readme detailing the setup for that area.
assumes homebrew
and git
are already installed.
brew install zsh zsh-completions antigen nodenv neovim;
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL";
cd ./dotfiles;
- Install Hack Font font
- Swap Terminal and Editor to Hack.
If you already have a ~/.zshrc
you might have to remove it, as it will setup a simlink to your cloned version.
git submodule add --force /~;
git submodule add --force /~ fonts/powerline;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/nerdtree;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/nerdcommenter;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/vim-repeat;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/vim-surround;
git submodule add --force /~ vim/bundle/lightline;
git submodule add --force /~ nodenv/plugins/node-build;
git submodule add --force /~ nodenv/plugins/nodenv-package-rehash;
git submodule add --force /~ nodenv/plugins/nodenv-update;
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --remote --recursive
- Github on dotfiles
- Lars Kappert, Getting Started with dotfiles
- Lars Kappert, List of awesome resources for dotfiles
My repo is setup using dotbot.