This repo is outdated, MapMode has been added into /~ any new updates will be there
This is a completly revamped version of MapHack to be used with kolbot.
- All missing side areas
- All missing points of interest (superchests, mini-bosses, quest locations, ect)
- Added shrine names on the map
- Added item filter
- Default filter shows all normal items and above (superior, set, craft, rare, unique)
- Also can use personal pickit file with the filter to only show items that exist in your pickit
- Red portal usage (Uber portals, Act 5 portals (Anya, Abaddon, Pit Of Acheron, Infernal Pit), Tristram, Worldstone, Moo Moo Farm
- Stat box
- QOL features including
- Out of Town Features:
- Auto make portal
- Auto portal to town
- In Town Features
- Go to healer
- Go to stash
- Out of Town Features:
It should be simple enough. Download the contents of this repo. Copy and paste them into your kolbot download. Make sure you have this version of kolbot /~ if you don't then this won't work simple as that.
If I have missed anything or you have an idea feel free to let me know. This is a work in progress.
If you enjoy using this and wish to show support. I do enjoy coffees