arowpp (AROW++) is an simple and efficient implementation of Adaptive Regularization of Weights online learning algorithm for binary classification. AROW is efficient for learning tasks such as natural language processing tasks that the data is high-dimensional, extremely sparse. AROW is an extension of confidence weighted (CW) [Dredze+ 2008] algorithm that can achieve the good performance with a few iterations.
- Written in C++ with STL
- Robustness in the case of non-separable data
- Uses sparse vector representation
- Can handle several hundred-thousands of training examples and feature dimension
We have tested our code on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (x86_64) and OS X 10.7.3 with the following packaged installed.
- GNU C++ compiler (developed with g++ 4.4.3, Apple's g++ 4.2.1) and Apple's clang 3.0.
- Bazel for building library and binaries.
- Google C++ Testing Framework (Optional. This requires only for unit tests.)
$ git clone /~
$ cd arowpp
$ bazel build //:arow_learn //:arow_test
Note that If you want to run unit tests, run bazel test //:arow_unittest
AROW++ accepts the same representation of training data as SVMlight uses. This format has potential to handle large sparse feature vectors. The format of training and test data file is:
(BNF-like representation)
<class> .=. +1 | -1
<feature> .=. integer (>=1)
<value> .=. real
<line> .=. <class> <feature>:<value><feature>:<value> ... <feature>:<value>
Here’s an example of such a file:
+1 201:1 3148:1 3983:1 4882:1
-1 874:1 3652:1 3963:1 6179:1
-1 1331:1 3084:1 3957:1 4514:1
-1 643:1 1870:1 3957:1 4367:1
Use arow_learn
$ arow_learn -i int -r float -s train_file model
where train_file
is the training data you need to prepare in
advance. arow_learn
will generates the trained model file in model
There are 3 major parameters to control the training condition:
-i: Number of iteration at training. Default setting is 1, but the AROW algorithm can achieve the good performance with a few iteration.
-r: Regularization parameter (Default 0.1). You can optimize this parameter depending on the data.
-s: Shuffle training examples if this option is set (Default not shuffle). The AROW algorithm depends on the order of training data.
outputs the following information:
$ arow_learn train1 model1
Number of features: 1355191
Number of examples: 15000
Number of updates: 9052
time: 3.778 sec.
Use arow_test
$ arow_test test_file model
where test_file
is the test data, and model
is the trained model
file arow_learn
Here is a typical output of arow_test
$ arow_test test1 model1
Accuracy 96.537% (4823/4996)
(Answer, Predict): (t,p):2480 (t,n):80 (f,p):93 (f,n):2343
time: 1.097 sec.
- [Crammer+ 2009] K. Crammer, A. Kulesza, and M. Dredze, Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2009.
- [Dredze+ 2008] M. Dredze, K. Crammer, and F. Pereira, Confidence-weighted linear classification. In Proc. of the 25th international conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2008.
This program is originally based on the implementation in Java written by Masashi Tsubosaka. Thanks for Daisuke Okanohara for his oll tool that has been a good reference for the development of AROW++. I would also like to thank Taku Kudo for learning how to design C/C++ APIs from his software: MeCab and zinnia.