A Nintendo Wii port of 3DSage's doom engine
Building requires you to have devkitPro for the Wii installed.
To build the port navigate to the root of this project and run make
. This will create in´ boot.dol
and boot.elf
Running requires you to have a modded wii with the Homebrew Channel installed.
Create a folder called /apps/3dSage-doom/
on your Wii's SD-Card. Copy boot.dol
and your own level.h
to this directory. In the HB Channel you should now be able to load 3dSage-doom
Hold the Wiimote sideways and use the DPAD to move, 1 and 2 to move only on the horizontal axis, and hold B + DPAD to look around and change the height.
All files within this repo are released under the GNU GPL V3 License as per the LICENSE file stored in the root of this repo.