A REST API for User and Role management, token generation and validation
This features are available in this service
- User Registration: Register user and send email for confirmation
- Password reset: Send email with a reset link
- Authentication with JWT: Generate JWT Access token and a random string for Refresh token the login
- Logger: Log info/error message into a log file
- Role based authorization: Allow or denied access to a resource according to user's role
- Swagger: API Documented with Swagger 2
- HTML Email: Use Thymeleaf to build HTML templates for email
- JDK 8
- Maven
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Clone the repository
$ git clone /~https://github.com/tericcabrel/identity-authorization.git [project_name]
- Install dependencies
$ cd [project_name]
$ mvn install
- Create the configuration file and update with your local config
$ cd src/main/resources
$ cp application-example.properties application.properties
$ nano application.properties
- Start Application
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Note: An IDE like IntelliJ can perform these tasks for you automatically
Inside the package com.tericcabrel.authorization.bootstrap, the file named DataSeeder.java is responsible for loading data on application startup. It's there the creation of default roles (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER), and the Super Admin (the first user with the role: ROLE_ADMIN) are performed
At the root of the folder, there is a file named deploy.sh who is bash file who content who contains scripts to deploy our app. The main steps are:
- Backup the local configuration file and create one for production
- Build .jar the package
- Delete configuration for production and restore local configuration
- Build docker image with his dependencies (see docker-compose.yml) and run the container
Unit tests and Integration tests will come soon