API service with phone number authentication and a simple referral system.
Authentication in the service is based on the phone number format "+79608543017".
To start, obtain a 4-digit code by sending a POST request with the phone number to the POST /api/v1/auth/send_code/
Once the code is received, submit it along with the phone number to the POST /api/v1/auth/jwt/get_by_phone/
endpoint. Optionally, you can include an existing referral code from another user along with the phone number and 4-digit code.
If a user with the specified phone number does not exist, they are added to the database. After addition, the user is assigned a unique referral invite code.
Upon successful authentication, the response includes JWT access/refresh tokens (bearer auth). These tokens will be needed for accessing user endpoints and profile editing. Standard endpoints for token verification and refresh are also available: POST /api/v1/auth/jwt/verify/
, POST /api/v1/auth/jwt/refresh/
GET /api/v1/users/
: View the list of users. Theinvite_code
field is the user's personal referral code, unique and assigned during user creation. Theinvited_by_code
field is the referral code of another user who invited them to the service. -
GET /api/v1/users/{id}/
: Retrieve information about a specific user. -
GET /api/v1/users/current_user/
: Retrieve information about the current user.
On endpoints providing information about a specific/current user, there is an invited
field with a list of user IDs and phone numbers who accepted the invitation from the viewed user.
PATCH /api/v1/users/current_user/
: Edit information about the current user. You can set the user's name, surname, email address, and the invite code through which they received the service invitation.
Clone the repository and navigate to the /infra
git clone /~https://github.com/temirovazat/referral-api.git
cd referral-api/infra/
Create a .env file and add project settings:
vi .env
# PostgreSQL
# Django
# Authentication
Deploy and run the project in containers:
docker compose up -d
Creating a superuser:
docker compose exec ref-web python manage.py createsuperuser