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Compliant teleoperation and gesture-controlled grasping using DNN 2D pose- and gesture estimation in ROS.

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Compliant teleoperation and gesture-controlled grasping using DNN pose- and gesture estimation in ROS.


The objective is to develop a system in which a collaborative robot (cobot) with an attached gripper is able to mimic (track) the pose (position and orientation) of an operator’s hand, in which the gripper state (closed/open) is controlled by a hand gesture. The hand pose and gesture are captured by a camera and inferred using DNN. The cobot must be compliant, such that it can safely interact with participants; the goal is to lift the wrist of a participant via teleoperation, unless the participant resists.


The project is composed of several project-specific and external ROS packages, as well as other dependencies.

Package Description
teleop_grasp Integration of packages to provide a teleoperation/grasp pipeline.
arm_pose_est Estimation of human arm pose using DNN.
gesture_est Estimation of gesture of human hand.
franka_ros Integration of Franka Panda into ROS/Gazebo.
ros_utils Collection of modern utilities for the ROS/Gazebo/MoveIt workflow.
ros_testing Simple framework for experiments in ROS.

For more information, please refer to the of a specific package.

  • ROS (noetic) - framework for robot operation
  • Gazebo - robot simulation environment
  • rosdep - management of ROS system dependecies
  • vcstool - automated workspace configuration
  • catkin_tools - command line tools for working with catkin workspaces


The project is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. Built using catkin_tools with CMake 3.12 and gcc 9.3.0-17.

Installing ROS and dependencies
  1. Install ROS (Desktop-Full Install) and rosdep (guide)
  2. Install vcstool (guide)
sudo apt install python3-vcstool
  1. Install catkin_tools (guide)
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools
  1. Make sure you have Git SSH configured properly as per this guide.
Installing project (workspace)

Navigate to where the workspace should be created (e.g. ~/Desktop) and run:

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition /~ && chmod +x setup.bash && source setup.bash


Running the project

Run teleop_ws in terminal to automatically source the workspace and navigate to its directory.

Build the workspace using:

catkin build

Then, source the environment variables by running source devel/setup.bash or teleop_ws.

Launch the workcell by running (after sourcing):

roslaunch teleop_grasp pipeline.launch

An overview of the arguments is located in the pipeline.launch file.

Experiments (TODO)

Experiments in teleop_grasp are contained in the teleop_grasp/tests/ directory. An experiment of <name> can be implemented in either C++ or Python, and is structured as:

Structure of an experiment in teleop_grasp
teleop_grasp/tests/                 # directory for all experiments in teleop_grasp
└── <name>/                        # experiment directory
    ├── img/                       # exported plots
    ├── data/                      # directory with time-stamped trials
    |   ├── 20210105_000322/      
    |   └── ...
    ├── test_<name>.cpp            # source code for experiment (ROS node named test_<name>)
    ├── test_<name>.py             # python code for experiment
    ├── test_<name>.launch         # launch file for experiment
    ├── test_<name>.m              # MATLAB code for data manipulation/plotting using export_fig
    └──                  # documentation of experiment

A C++ experiment is automatically added as a ROS node named test_<name> (by teleop_grasp/CMakeLists.txt) and can be launched using rosrun or roslaunch (if provided). Use teleop_grasp.h and scripts/teleop_grasp.m for helper functions (get experiment/data/img directory, plotting etc.) - see the template experiment for example code.

Configuration (VS Code)

Since IntelliSense is utter trash for larger projects, it is recommended to use the clangd extension as the language server, together with catkin-tools-clangd python package to generate the compile_commands.json for clangd.

The ROS extension is also a nice addition when working in VS Code. However, the cpp_properties.json file it generates for IntellSense is bugged; change the line /usr/ros/noetic/** to /usr/ros/noetic/ to fix include problems.


The coding conventions are defined by the .clangformat (TODO), summarized as:

Coding conventions
  • Indent with tabs, align with spaces
  • Comments in lower-case, add URLs to external resources
  • Consistent interfaces accross the project (e.g. args and return values)
  • Always review the code and examples of a package before adding new code
  • Examples of methods/classes etc. is a must (in /examples)
  • Commit in blocks of relevant code with short and descriptive messages (typically all lower-case)
  • Proper includes, cmake and package manifest
  • Segregate code properly in packages; generic utilities go in ros_utils pkg
  • ROS Best Practices


No license has been decided yet.


Thanks to SDU for moral support.


Compliant teleoperation and gesture-controlled grasping using DNN 2D pose- and gesture estimation in ROS.




