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Meeting 2024 05 14 (Technical Group)
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Place: Online
Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary) (APM)
Present: Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Stefan Burckhardt, Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Peter Zamudio (eopoint lütolf AG)
Excused: Sandro Gassmann (geopoint lütolf AG) (SG), Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR)
- TP (iggroup) was certified as New TEKSI Service provider last month by the certification commitee of the Service provider group. Congratulations!
- A next date for certification will be defined by the Service provider group - please get in contact if you are interested to be certified also.
- VSA 2020 Tests and dev progress:
- Pre-release 20204.0rc1 was published last month, in the meantime 123 commits have been added. It displays the work that has been done up to now for the coming 2024.0 Release.
- There are still some open issues see /~https://github.com/teksi/wastewater/issues
- Defined milestones:
- TEKSI Wastewater VSA DSS 2020 Part 1 intergration open issues is progressing, do testing and fix bugs - AP coordinates with opengis. Various members have tested and given additional feedbacks, that led to new issues and fixes.
- TEKSI Wastewater 2024.0: has been planned for 31.3.2024 -> waiting for QGIS - see next point.
- Dependency found with QGIS for digitizing: Action digitizing does not work #195https:// - fix is pending for 3.38 and 3.34.7 (backporting). Possible workaround with Digitize drainage channel.
Was published two weeks ago!
Points to backport from VSA-DSS 2020 adaption:
- DEFERABLE (to avoid import errors such as /~https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/issues/125) - SB has drafted pull request /~https://github.com/QGEP/datamodel/pull/235
- QGEP 1.62 Export DSS with selection #856 - missing filter criteria for related classes, e.g. pipe_profile. Check with implementation done in TEKSI Wastewater and backport where possible. Define concept for missing related classe also for TEKSI Wastewater (see /~https://github.com/teksi/wastewater/issues/154)
- others?
- Select bugs to be fixed (see above)
- Define new features, e.g. duplicate of identifier check (UK) - VSA-DSS 2020 requires all identifiers to be unique. Where to check? Optional pre-check on export?
- Define timeline
- request raised a General Assembly 2024
- Define if integrated in each module or as an additional central module (pro / con) -> integrated in module
- Make short project description and requirements document (SB), till May technical meeting - SB has handed in offer to APM for model and dictionary creation including translation to English.
- Datamodel available in SIA405
- SB can create SQL code for datamodel - make estimation of effort needed, till April technical meeting
- Decision to not backport these models on qgep / qwat
- Define how to Integrate in INTERLIS Import / Export - a) just add two additional models in selection b) integrate in selection of existing models?
- who (SB datamodel, xx INTERLIS), timetable (Q2 project description, review and board, Q3 development and implementation)
TEKSI wastewater and GEP Release 2024.0 builds on VSA-DSS 2020.1 Release. But in that release not all new classes are supported yet and can be easily used for GEP mandates
- update and write down project definition for implementation of the missing parts of the data model such as Measures (Massnahmen), Log Cards (Stammkarten) and ALR
- take existing project definition and update and integrate feedback from Moritz Brennecke from testing - email
- Please read and comment with your priorities, so we can define phases for implementation!
- write down requirements document
- who would like to take care of that?, until when?
- AP has discussed wishes and possible tasks with opengis
- SB has made draft of project description
- Please review and add your feedbacks (missing points / confirmation of issues / priorities)
- Urgent first step is datamodel tool for TEKSI wastewater
- other points:
- Update mechanism for TEKSI - concept, implementation, infrastructur
- Pre-releases and releases
- Publication in qgis plugin repository
- other
Integration of
- [Developers guide]
- [Contributors Guide]
- Providers guide
- Strassenzustanderfassung: Wir haben nach Norm ein Model aufgebaut der Strassenzustandserfassung inkl. Interlis.
- Grabengesuch: Wir haben eine Fachschale gebaut mit Interlis wo Grabengesuche erfasst werden können welche zeitterminiert farblich reagieren. Es können automatisch Bewilligungen als pdf gedruckt werden mit Unterschriften und allem hinterlegt nach den Usern.
- Strassenbeleuchtung: Wir erarbeiten ein Model für die Strassenbeleuchtung in diesem Jahr. Ebenfalls mit Interlis etc. Habt Ihr da Interesse daran, das wir Euch einbinden? Gegebenenfalls können wir euch das auch am Ende weitergeben?
- Decision to Invite Zermatt to present developed module in July meeting
- SB connects with Kay and asks him for a presentation
- Ask JD to also present current status of Distance Heating project
- Decision to invite a larger group of technically interested TEKSI Members for this meeting
- SB writes invitation and sends out to the members of the three theme groups
- Strange behaviour if adding a geopackage layer to qgep project (UK) - /~https://github.com/QGEP/QGEP/issues/835. Please try to reproduce and give feedback.
- Testing with Postgres 16 - /~https://github.com/orgs/teksi/discussions/103: AP explained concept behind roadmap and invites Yverdon to do the testing (involvment of members)
Next meetings: June 4th, 2024 13:30 - 15:00 - one week earlier than usual so to not conflicts with QGIS User Day 2024 in Berne. Registration is possible now!