- Login: Securely access your account using Google Email or Email and password-based authentication (Firebase SDK Authentication).
- Register: Create a new account using Password-Based Account (Firebase SDK Authentication).
- Search Cars: Easily find the perfect car based on your search for a car name and other available details.
- Browse Information: Explore detailed information about cars, including:
- Brand
- Model
- Pricing
- Availability
- Location
- Seats
- Car description
- Rent a Car: Select your desired car for rental.
- Set Dates: Choose valid start and end dates for your rental period.
- Flexible Payment Methods: Select your preferred payment option (e.g., card, Klarna).
- Make Payments: Complete your transaction and see the total fee.
- Payment Information Format:
- Choose the Visa card and enter a valid Card Number, e.g.,
4242 4242 4242 4242
. - Enter the month and year in the future.
- Enter the card CVC (three numbers).
- Enter the Zip Code in the Canadian format (e.g.,
). - Click on the "Pay" button.
- Choose the Visa card and enter a valid Card Number, e.g.,
- Payment Information Format:
- View Contracts: Navigate to your rental contract(s) anytime after booking.
- Account Details: View your personal information, including name, Gmail, date of account creation, and set your avatar.
- Logout: Securely exit your account.
- Login: Securely access your account using Google Email or Email and password-based authentication (Firebase SDK Authentication).
- Add New Cars:
- Enter details such as car model, brand, seating capacity, location, price, and upload photos (optional).
- View All Cars:
- Browse the complete list of cars available in the system.
- Edit Car Details:
- Update information like pricing, brand, model, availability, location, image, or car’s description.
- View Customer’s Contracts:
- Access and edit the status of rental contracts associated with user bookings (e.g., completed, canceled, active).
- Account Control Functions:
- View all users and block a user.
- Logout: Securely exit your account.
- Android Studio Koala (2024.1.1 Patch 2): IDE used for developing the Android App.
- XML 1.0: For designing the user interface (UI) components.
- Java 8: Processes the business logic and user interactions.
- Gradle: Build automation tool for managing dependencies.
- Authentication: Integrating email/password-based Firebase SDK authentication and Google Sign-in for secure login.
- Secure Session Management: Firebase automatically manages session states, enabling customers to stay logged in across sessions without compromising security.
- Firebase Storage: Securely stores and manages high-resolution images of cars for efficient retrieval and scalability.
- Google Login API: Establishes user sign-in and account management.
- Stripe API: Secure online payment processing.
- Google Location API: Provides valid and dynamic location services, including the car’s pickup location.
- Google Calendar API: Integrates booking schedules and reminders into customers' Gmail calendars.
- Firebase Console: For monitoring app performance, usage analytics, and push notifications.
- GitHub: Allows version control and updates, and collaboration.
- Emulators: Used Pixel 5 API 30 for app testing.
- Clone the repository to your local machine using
git clone
. - Open the project in Android Studio Koala (2024.1.1 Patch 2).
- Set up Firebase credentials and Stripe API keys in the respective files.
- Run the app on an emulator or a connected device for testing.
📌 Please check further info inside the Car Rental App.pdf ❗
Enjoy using the Car Rental Management App and elevate your car rental experience!