A full deferred renderer with post-processing pipeline.
# GPU Noise Generation for procedurale texturing.
# Normal-mapping.
# Real-time local reflection.
# Real-time water simulation on GPU.
# Geometry instanciation (Cube).
Deferred Lighting:
# multiple light type (point, spot, directionnal).
# render only visible illuminated fragment (via the stencil buffer).
# Bloom.
# Vignetting.
# Blur (used by other effects).
# Gamma correction.
year : 2012
Thirdparties :
- GLEW 1.7 (as static library create at compile-time)
- GLSW (as static library create at compile-time)
- GLM (as headers)
- DevIL (not provided)
- Assimp (not provided)
Mouse + arrow key: move the camera.
w: display wireframe.
t: display FPS & elapsed time.
r: toggle 'ride the dragon' mode if Dragon rendered, (default: OFF).
l: toggle display light shapes
F1: toggle Dragon rendering (default: OFF)
F2: Switch between Water scene & Sponza scene (default: Sponza)
F3: toggle SSAO (default: OFF)
F4: toggle BLOOM (default: OFF)
F5: toggle MOTION BLUR (not working)
F6: toggle Vignetting
F7: toggle Gamma Correction
(Not completed)
- Nvidia's 6800 Leagues under the sea - Shawn Hargreaves & Mark Harris
- Deferred Rendering in Killzone 2 - Michal Valient
- Starcraft II Effects & Techniques - Dominic Filion & Rob McNaughton