Idea from DiscordSRV. As my friend and I cannot find a replacement in Fabric server so I implement a simple one for us.
This is a server side Fabric mod for sending item details to a Discord text channel when player type [i]
in the chat.
Item info show in the Discord message include:
- name (translated if provide language pack)
- owner (player ID)
- count
- lore (translated if provide language pack)
- item image and item lore image (if in image mode)
An item from a RPG map 盤靈古域 and its MC-version-upgraded version 夢回盤靈.
On the other hand, there is support to send "chat message" and TRANSLATED "game message (player join / leave, death, get advancement)" to Discord. They are disable by default. You can turn them on in the config.
- Put the mod to a Fabric server.
- Start the server. A config temple should show up in the config directory. If it is missing, use the command to generate one.
- Fill in the fields in the config file.
- Reload the mod by command (or restart the server).
- You should see the bot send a bot-online message to Discord.
- Player hold the item they wants to share in the main hand and type
in the chat will trigger a message send to Discord.
show_item_to_discord generate_config <override exiting config file if exists?>
e.g. show_item_to_discord generate_config true
Generate a template config file to the server config file.
show_item_to_discord reload
Useful for reloading the mod after updating the config file.
show_item_to_discord shutdown
Shut down all resources of the mod, including disconnecting the Discord bot.
File path: (Sever side) config/show-items-config.json
The config directory refer to the path given by
A full example at here.
"language": "zh_tw", # the language for the translation
"languagePackPath": [
# the relative path (root: server root path given by FabricLoader.getInstance().getGameDir()) to language packs
# the mod will search for a translation stating from the first pack and continue in the next one only if it is not found
# supported filetype: zip, json
"texturePackPath": [
# the relative path to the texture packs
# In text mode: not needed
# In image mode: optional
# If no texture pack should be use, set it as a empty list []
# supported filetype: zip
"fontPath": [
# extra font to load if it not in the system
# supported filetype: ttc, ttf
# If no extra font, set it as a empty list []
"discord": {
# the discord bot setting
"botToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxxx",
"channelId": "123213124194912649164"
"message": {
# image mode or text mode
"mode": "image",
"image": {
# setting if in image mode
# font to used
# the font name may not match the loaded ***.ttc filename
# make sure it match one of the name in the "Available fonts" log
"font": "PingFang HK",
# the image width of the item description
"itemDescriptionImageWidth": 350
"startMessage": {
# the message send to Discord when the mod is enable and the bot is started successfully
"embedColor": "#61de2a",
"message": ":green_circle: Show item bot is now online!"
"stopMessage": {
# the message send to Discord when the mode is disable
"embedColor": "#ff0000",
"message": ":red_circle: Show item bot is now offline."
"showSingleItemMessage": {
# the setting for the item message
"embedColor": "#1260cc",
"title": "${PlayerName} item",
"includeTooltips": true # to include the tooltip/lore or not
"moreMessage": {
# you can choose to show more message to Discord
"chat": false,
"playerJoinLeave": false,
"advancement": false,
"death": false
- 1.19.3 (has some minor bugs)
- 1.20.1 (master)
If you face any problem, it is a good idea to turn on the debug log.
You can add a log4j setting to enable the debug log. See log4j.xml example. To use the setting, one way is to add the filepath to the server JVM parameter: java ... -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml
- A server host in MacOS is not able to use the image mode as "java.awt" cannot run in parallel with Minecraft in the same process there.
- This mod can only get the texture and the translation for the vanilla items that appear in the provided resource pack.