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Tools for hacking maten no soumetsu SMD. Patches are available in the ./patches/ folder in xdelta, ips, and bps formats. Build instructions are below the feature list.

released date version notes
2021-01-26 ver 03a translated ending credits
2021-01-16 ver 02a all menus redesigned, played through to endgame, fixed all bugs encountered
2021-01-05 ver 01a fixed vram overflow (text being overwritten) and made line breaks more aggressive to prevent words being split (only sorta worked). added max level patch
2021-01-04 ver 00a initial feature complete?


fully playable in English: all strings translated from Japanese to English

  • all dialogue
  • all menus
  • all status effects
  • all enemy names, item names, skill names, playable character names*
  • original font replaced with 8x16
  • resized windows to accommodate longer names for items, skills, and enemies
  • adjusted shop window layouts for longer names


  • Stats page rearranged to allow larger font for equipment names
  • Added "xp to next level" to stat page
  • Added stat window to equipment menu
  • Increased displayable cap on some attributes (from 999 to 9999)
  • Added "level" to party list



  • asm68k, an m68000 assembler
  • python3
  • maten no soumetsu ROM dump

build steps

  1. download repository
  2. put asm68k.exe in maten_tools folder
  3. dump maten no soumetsu ROM from your cartridge and save in maten_tools folder
  4. run patch.bat
    • this inserts new fonts and applies asm hacks
    • then it runs a python script that inserts translated strings


Just as a reminder, patches from the ./patches/ folder can be applied directly to your ROM. You don't need to assemble or build anything.


new font for dialogue: foobar-210104-190332 Maten no Soumetsu (Japan)-210104-190956

equipment screen redesign:

foobar-210104-190405 Maten no Soumetsu (Japan)-210104-191106

stat page redesign:

foobar-210104-191326 Maten no Soumetsu (Japan)-210104-190902