Project 1 for [CS-1202] Advanced Programming. This is a MERN stack e-commerce (clothing store) website. This project was built by Ruthu Rooparaghunath, Soham De, and Tanvi Roy.
Open up a CLI, and execute the following commands:
$ git clone /~
$ cd fshn
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
This should get your server to run at localhost:5000 and frontend to run at localhost:3000
This project was built using the MERN stack of technologies.
Area | Technology |
Front-End | React, React-Bootstrap, CSS3 |
Authentication | Passport.js, bcrypt.js |
Back-End | Node.js, Express, Mongoose |
Cookie/Database Management | CookieParser, MongoDB, Mongoose |
Defined Schemas | Schema fields |
Users | username: String, googleId: String, email: String, password: String, address: { type: String, default: "home" }, mobile: Number, orders: [{ type: String }], cart: [{ type: String }], wishlist: [{ type: String }], |
Products | name: String, description: String, category: [{ type: String }], color: [{type: String}], gender: [{type: String}], imageurl: String, price: Number, rating: [{ type: Number }], reviews: [{ body: String, user: String, verified: String }], buyers: [{ type: String }], wishers: [{ type: String }], |
βββ backend/
β βββ data.js
β βββ passportConfig.js
β βββ product.js
β βββ server.js
β βββ user.js
βββ frontend/
β βββ public/
β βββ src/
β βββ components/
β βββ Pages/
β βββ App.css
β βββ App.js
β βββ font.ttf
β βββ index.css
β βββ index.js
βββ .babelrc
βββ .gitignore
βββ helper.txt
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
For a more detailed documentation of our code and the complete list of project dependencies see Helper.txt.
Logo design and concept banners can be viewed here
Nearly all of the project code was written by us ourselves. We used documentation code for React Bootstrap, Express, and Passportjs where needed.
- Vertical Column Image Expansion CSS snippet
- All our products have been taken from H&M and we were greatly inspired by their features and minimal design.