The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
brew install awscli
aws configure
# Example configuration
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]: json
You must install AWS CLI and configure it with the credentials before you use Terraform to manage AWS resources.
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
To initialize a working directory that contains a Terraform configuration
terraform init
To see an execution plan that Terraform will make to your infrastructure based on the current configuration
terraform plan
Executes the actions that proposed in a Terraform plan
terraform apply
Encrypt secrets with SOPS to commit secrets to version control.
brew install sops
cat <<EOF > ~/.sops.yaml
- kms: "arn:aws:kms:eu-central-1:111111111111:alias/management-sops"
Helm to deploy ArgoCD on EKS cluster.
brew install helm
helm plugin install /~
helm secrets enc secrets.yaml
helm secrets view secrets.yaml
helm secrets edit secrets.yaml