A model to track objects on a football field
Used Yolov5 to track footballers, football, referees and goalkeepers(atleast tried to).
Wrote some annotator functions to get a more analytical look in our output videos with markers and pins for players and football along with the player in control.
This project makes use of clips from the DFL - Bundesliga Data Shootout competition on Kaggle. https://www.kaggle.com/c/dfl-bundesliga-data-shootout
You can see the output here
You can mail me at tanishqsardana@gmail.com for the trained best.pt file. If you want to train it yourself, you could train it on this dataset as I did - https://universe.roboflow.com/roboflow-jvuqo/football-players-detection-3zvbc/dataset/2?ref=blog.roboflow.com
Try to run the plot_image function again if it doesnt work.