- JavaScript
From your command line, first clone Dopefolio:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone /~https://github.com/talobyte/Portfolio-Template
# Go into the repository
$ cd Portfolio-Template
# Remove current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin
Then you can install the dependencies
Using NPM:
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Listen to changes in CSS Preprocessor files ( SASS files )
$ npm run compile:scss
Once you run npm run compile:scss
, then open the index.html
inside your favorite browser or using the live server extension.
Once you have done with your setup. You need to put your website online!
I highly recommend to use Netlify to achieve this on the EASIEST WAY
Whenever you wanna host a new site on Netlify. You will need to press the Create New Site button from the Netlify's dashboard once you login into Netlify.
Once you press the Create Site Button then you will have to follow the 3 steps:
You will have to select your Github account.
Then select the Repository which you wanna host, in this case its your Portfolio website ( Clone of Dopefolio )
In the 3rd step, you will have to modify the Site settings and deploy, keep everything as it is but just make sure to modify the Build command and set its value to npm run build and then modify the Publish directory and set its value to / as shown in the image below
If you like this project then give it a Github star by pressing the Star button ⭐
Special thanks to Jacobo Martínez for inspiring me to create something useful for the Developer Community. Jacobo is the creator of Simplefolio which is another great Portfolio website Template for Developers. Check it out and show him some love and to of course
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details