BigQuery Porter is a tool to manage BigQuery Resource and its metadata by filesystem.
npm i bigquery-porter
Set up your OAuth and GCP Default Project.
First step to start to use is cloning BigQuery resources as files in remote. Next comamnd, you'll get BigQuery metadata files and DDL codes in local filesystem.
npx bqport pull --all --with-ddl
Typical directory strucuture follows:
(Root Directory)
`-- @default: Your Default GCP Project
`-- sandbox
|-- ddl.sql
|-- metadata.json
|-- @models
| `-- mymodel
| |-- ddl.sql
| `-- metadata.json
|-- @routines
| |-- sample_function
| | |-- ddl.sql
| | `-- metadata.json
| |-- sample_procedure
| | |-- ddl.sql
| | `-- metadata.json
| `-- sample_tvf
| |-- ddl.sql
| `-- metadata.json
|-- sample_clone_table
| |-- ddl.sql
| |-- metadata.json
| `-- schema.json
|-- sample_materialized_view
| |-- ddl.sql
| |-- metadata.json
| `-- schema.json
|-- sample_partition_table
| |-- ddl.sql
| |-- metadata.json
| `-- schema.json
|-- sample_snapshot_table
| |-- ddl.sql
| |-- metadata.json
| `-- schema.json
|-- sample_table
| |-- ddl.sql
| |-- metadata.json
| `-- schema.json
`-- sample_view
|-- metadata.json
|-- schema.json
`-- view.sql
`-- <other_projects>
After you modifeid files in locals, you can deploy them by next command: The following command will deploy to the default project in GCP.
npx bqport push
deploys codes in prallel and topological order by SQL's DAG dependencies.
You can also deploy your BigQuery queries from a list of SQL files. This is useful for cases where you want to execute only specific SQL. For example, a diff execution by git.
find ./bigquery -name '*.sql' | npx bqport push
resolves dependencies in following order
statement - DDL(CREATE):
statement - DDL(ALTER):
statement - DML:
statements - QUERY
For Example, Let's copy public datasets in bqutil
project .
- Fetch Dataset Metadata and DDL SQL file
npx bqport pull bqutil --all --with-ddl
- Make your new destination project directory and copy files
mkdir -p bigquery/@default
cp -av bigquery/bqutil/fn bigquery/@default/fn
- Fix old destination in SQL files to new one
npx bqport format
- Deploy
npx bqport push @default