Build docker container to Ralph application
Before running the script, you must change the configuration file.
Rename file config.json.example to config.json and chnage it:
"github": "/~ -b% (branch) s"
Set the url to clone repositories
In the key REPOSITORIES are all repositories that cloning at startup image
"owner": "allegro"
"default_branch": "develop"
"type": "github"
"repo_name": "django-bob"
owner - username from Github default_branch - default name of branch type - github (url from REPOSITORIES_TYPES) repo_name - the name of the repository
You can change the settings before starting for each repository by environmental variables
export RALPH_FORK = 'my_fork'
export RALPH_BRANCH = 'my_branch'
Then the image of Docker will be built with your changes
Build docker base image. Base image has the all packages to run Ralph:
sudo ./ build base
Build docker os image. Os is the sample image data and prepared for scanning (ssh_linux, dns_hostname, snmp):
sudo ./ build os
Initialize image:
sudo ./ init os
Start container:
sudo ./ start os
Open docker (/bin/bash):
sudo ./ exec os
Upgrade Ralph to new version:
sudo ./ upgrade os
See more information to Ralph installation:
It is an Open Source project provided on Apache v2.0 License.