raspberrypi (and others) relay manager with embedded http service and support for scheduling toggles (custom and/or based on sunrise/sunset)
This project, although working for a while already for my own use cases, is in its early stages and might present unexpected behavior. Pull requests for fixes/improvements are, of course, very welcome and appreciated.
- build the program or get a release bin
- connect one or more relays to a GPIO pin (or pins)
- create a json configuration file such as:
"listen_addr": ":8011",
"location": [41.9028,12.4964],
"Timezone": "Europe/Rome",
"relays": [
"name": "lights",
"gpio": 4,
"state": 1,
"sun": {
"enabled": true,
"rise_state": 0,
"rise_offset": "-30m",
"set_state": 1,
"set_offset": "30m"
- run pirelay as you prefer, for example:
./pirelay -c ./pirelay.json
- an example systemd service file can be found in the doc/ directory of this repository - watch the relay get toggled on/off at sunset/sunrise or when you configured it to do so
- The http service supports a few methods on two paths: root
. The methods are:/
GET: retrieve the currently configured relays and their state,/
POST: submit a new relay configuration,/{GPIO or name}
GET: retrieve a single relay's configuration, state and schedules,/{GPIO or name}
POST: submit updated configuration (e.g. a new schedule) for a given relay,/{GPIO or name}
PATCH: toggle the relay state on/off,- (to be implemented)
/{GPIO or name}
DELETE: delete a relay configuration,
- when enabling the sunrise/sunset schedules you must provide a proper pair of coordinates,
- timezone is always required in the configuration file,
- the program does not support https or authentication, use a reverse proxy for those purposes - and make sure you do if you plan on exposing the service to the public internet!
Thank you to the developers and contributors of the two modules imported by pirelay
- github.com/stianeikeland/go-rpio
- github.com/nathan-osman/go-sunrise