A collection of re-usable scripts for Adam Le Doux's Bitsy Game Maker.
- 📦 3d: bitsy in three dee
- 👥 avatar by room: change the avatar in certain rooms
- 🔈 basic sfx: "walk" and "talk" sound effect support
- 😌 bitsymuse: A variety of Bitsy sound and music handlers
- 😴 canvas replacement: WebGLazy bitsy integration (this one's mostly just for me)
- 😽 character portraits: high quality anime jpegs (or pngs i guess)
- 🙀 character portraits animated: high quality anime gifs
- ⛔️ close on ending: Prevents from playing past an ending
- ➿ corrupt: corrupts gamedata at runtime
- 🅰 custom text effect: make {custom}text effects{custom}
- 🎞 custom-exit-effects: make custom exit transition effects
- ⌨ custom-keyhandlers: run custom code on key inputs
- 💬 dialog audio: animal crossing-style audio
- 🎺 dialog audio vocal synth: animal crossing-style audio powered by the pink trombone vocal synth
- 🔁 dialog box transition: adds an easing transition animation to display the dialog box text
- 🔀 dialog choices: binary dialog choices
- 🚀 dialog jump: jump from one dialog entry to another
- 💬 dialog pause: add pauses in between printing text
- ⌨ dialog prompt: prompt the user for text input in dialog
- 🔝 direction in dialog: provides a variable with player direction
- ↔ directional avatar: flips the player's sprite based on directional movement
- 🖼 dynamic background: HTML background matching bitsy background
- 📝 edit dialog from dialog: edit dialog from dialog (yes really)
- 🖌 edit image from dialog: edit sprites, items, and tiles from dialog
- 👯♂️ edit player from dialog: change which sprite is controlled by the player
- 🏠 edit room from dialog: modify the content of a room from dialog
- 🔚 end-from-dialog: trigger an ending from dialog, including narration text
- 🚪 exit-from-dialog: exit to another room from dialog, including conditionals
- 🛰 external-game-data: separate Bitsy game data from your (modded) HTML for easier development
- 🌐 favicon-from-sprite: generate a browser favicon (tab icon) from a Bitsy sprite, including animation!
- 💕 follower: makes a single sprite follow the player
- 🎮 gamepad input: HTML5 gamepad support
- 🍂 gravity: Pseudo-platforming/gravity/physics
- 🕷 itsy-bitsy: for when bitsy's not small enough
- ☕ javascript dialog: execute arbitrary javascript from dialog
- 🔀 logic-operators-extended: adds conditional logic operators
- 📜 long dialog: put more words onscreen
- 👨👨👧👧 multi-sprite avatar: make the player big
- 📎 noclip: walk through wall tiles, sprites, items, exits, and endings
- 🔄 online: multiplayer bitsy
- ⬛ opaque tiles: tiles which hide the player
- 🎨 palette maps: allows color pallettes to be defined on a tile-by-tile basis
- 📃 paragraph-break: Adds paragraph breaks to the dialogue parser
- ⏳ permanent items: prevent some items from being picked up
- ➡ push sprites: sokoban-style sprite pushing
- 🎭 replace drawing: add name-tags to replace drawings when the game is loading
- 💾 save: save/load your game
- 🏃 smooth moves: ease the player's movement
- 🛑 solid items: treat some items like sprites that can be placed multiple times
- ⏱️ stopwatch: time player actions
- 🗣 text-to-speech: text-to-speech for bitsy dialog
- 📐 textbox styler: customize the style and properties of the textbox
- 🏰 tracery processing: process all dialog text with a tracery grammar
- 🎞 transitions: customizable WebGL transitions
- 👁️🗨️ transparent dialog: makes the dialog box have a transparent background
- 🏁 transparent sprites: makes all sprites have transparent backgrounds
- 💱 twine bitsy comms: interprocess communication for twine and bitsy
- ❄ unique items: items which, when picked up, remove all other instances of that item from the game
Each script has a short "HOW TO USE" section included in the comments. For steps which say to Copy-paste this script into a script tag after the bitsy source
, open your exported bitsy game and scroll to the bottom of the file (at the time of writing, it looks like this):
<body onload='startExportedGame()'>
<!-- GAME CANVAS -->
<canvas id='game'></canvas>
then edit it to look like this:
// and then paste your code here!
<body onload='startExportedGame()'>
<!-- GAME CANVAS -->
<canvas id='game'></canvas>
- Writing hacks with this repo's source code
- Claire Morley's "A Bitsy Tutorial"
- Bitsy games!
- Andrew Yolland's Borksy: Hack helper
- ruin's image-to-bitsy: Artistic aid
- Fontsy: Typographic tool
If you have any issues, feel free to ping me, open an issue, or ask for help on the bitsy discord!