Kafmesh is a Kafka streaming and observability framework built for go. It's built using Goka and generates strongly-typed wrappers to Goka's streaming concepts that are easy to write and unit-test.
TODO: note on requirement for protocol buffers
gRPC-like code generation for streaming services
Kafmesh components are defined in yaml files and generated via
. The generated code makes it easy to unit test streaming services. -
Discovery api to aggregate multiple running services into a single view
Kafmesh defines discovery via a grpc service. All running services implement this api and will respond with the parts of the service that are currently running in process.
Stream visualizer and reading with kafql
Install the kafmesh generator by using:
go get -u github.com/syncromatics/kafmesh/cmd/kafmesh-gen
You will also need protoc
and you will need to install protoc-gen-go go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
A kafmesh service is built from components that have specific functions. A component is made up of different streaming objects
A source is how data gets into kafka. This could be from a grpc service getting information from different sources, such as clicks from a webpage, gps positions from vehicles, anything you would need. This is a strongly typed wrapper around the Goka Emitter concept
A processor is where the bulk of the stream processing takes place. This is a strongly typed wrapper around the Goka Processor concept.
A view is a look into what kafka is storing for a particular topic. It takes a feed from a kafka topic and provides a key/value datastore. This is a strongly typed wrapper aroudn the Goka View concept.
View source will keep a kafka compacted topic in sync with an external source.
A view sink will sink a kafka compacted topic into a sink.
A sink will ship kafka messages to an external datastore such as a database.
You can use kafmesh-gen by running
kafmesh-gen docs/definition.yaml
See kafmesh-example for a complete usage demo.
name: exampleService
description: A example kafmesh service.
package: definitions
path: internal/definitions
module: example-service
- ../protos
- ./components/*.yaml
partition: 10
replication: 3
retention: 24h
segment: 12h
name: math
description: Does some simple math.
- message: userId.click
- name: total clicks
- message: userId.click
- message: userId.totalClicks
- message: userId.totalClicksState
- message: userId.totalClicks
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
goka A big shout out for goka doing the hard part of building out a kafka streaming service for go.
Visual Studio Code for just being an all around great editor