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chore(locales): updated translation from Crowdin
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sws2apps-admin authored Feb 9, 2025
1 parent 4beffcf commit 1e239f2
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Showing 81 changed files with 72 additions and 224 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ceb-PH/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "Month",
"tr_details": "Details",
"tr_weekNumber": "Week {{ weekNumber }}",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "Attendance record added",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "All total and average numbers, as well as monthly data, are updated automatically",
"tr_congregationName": "Congregation name",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "Average weekend meeting attendance",
"tr_numberReports": "Number of reports",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ceb-PH/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "Display",
"tr_hall": "Hall",
"tr_hallWithName": "Hall {{ name }}",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "To find your name in the list, make sure your person record exists on the <a href='#'>All persons page</a>.",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "Your person record",
"tr_export": "Export",
"tr_autofill": "Autofill",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "Select a week to start adding assignments and editing the program parts if needed. You can also use the Autofill feature and Organized will fill in assignments based on user qualifications.",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ch-CHS/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "月份",
"tr_details": "详情",
"tr_weekNumber": "第 {{ weekNumber }} 周",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "出席记录已添加",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "所有总数和平均数字,以及每月数据,均会自动更新",
"tr_congregationName": "会众名称",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "平均周末聚会出席人数",
"tr_numberReports": "报告数量",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/ch-CHS/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "显示",
"tr_hall": "聚会所",
"tr_hallWithName": "{{ name }}聚会所",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "要在列表中找到您的名字,请确保您的个人记录存在于<a href='#'>所有个人页面</a>上。",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "您的个人记录",
"tr_export": "导出",
"tr_autofill": "自动填充",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "选择一个星期以开始添加任务并编辑程序部分(如有必要)。您还可以使用自动填充功能,Organized 将根据用户资格填写任务。",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/de-DE/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "Monat",
"tr_details": "Details",
"tr_weekNumber": "Woche {{ weekNumber }}",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "Besucherdatensatz hinzugefügt",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "Alle Gesamt- und Durchschnittszahlen sowie monatlichen Daten werden automatisch aktualisiert",
"tr_congregationName": "Name der Versammlung",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "Durchschnittliche Besucher am Wochenende",
"tr_numberReports": "Anzahl der Berichte",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/de-DE/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "Anzeige",
"tr_hall": "Saal",
"tr_hallWithName": "Saal {{ name }}",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "Um deinen Namen in der Liste zu finden, stelle sicher, dass dein Personenprofil auf der Seite <a href='#'>Alle Personen</a> existiert.",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "Deine Personensatz",
"tr_export": "Exportieren",
"tr_autofill": "Autoausfüllen",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "Wähle eine Woche aus, um mit dem Hinzufügen von Aufgaben zu beginnen und das Programm bei Bedarf zu bearbeiten. Du kannst auch die Funktion 'Autom. ausfüllen' nutzen und Organized füllt die Aufgaben basierend auf den Nutzerqualifikationen aus.",
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/en-LR/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "Month",
"tr_details": "Details",
"tr_weekNumber": "Week {{ weekNumber }}",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "Attendance record added",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "All total and average numbers, as well as monthly data, are updated automatically",
"tr_congregationName": "Congregation name",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "Average weekend meeting attendance",
"tr_numberReports": "Number of reports",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/en-LR/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "Display",
"tr_hall": "Hall",
"tr_hallWithName": "Hall {{ name }}",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "To find your name in the list, make sure your person record exists on the <a href='#'>All persons page</a>.",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "Your person record",
"tr_export": "Export",
"tr_autofill": "Autofill",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "Select a week to start adding assignments and editing the program parts if needed. You can also use the Autofill feature and Organized will fill in assignments based on user qualifications.",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/es-ES/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "Mes",
"tr_details": "Detalles",
"tr_weekNumber": "Semana {{ weekNumber }}",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "Registro de asistencia añadido",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "Todos los totales, promedios y datos mensuales se actualizan automáticamente.",
"tr_congregationName": "Nombre de la congregación",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "Asistencia promedio a las reuniones de fin de semana",
"tr_numberReports": "Número de informes",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/es-ES/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "Display",
"tr_hall": "Sala",
"tr_hallWithName": "Sala {{ name }}",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "To find your name in the list, make sure your person record exists on the <a href='#'>All persons page</a>.",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "Your person record",
"tr_export": "Export",
"tr_autofill": "Autofill",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "Select a week to start adding assignments and editing the program parts if needed. You can also use the Autofill feature and Organized will fill in assignments based on user qualifications.",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/locales/es-SSP/congregation.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,6 @@
"tr_month": "Mes",
"tr_details": "Detalles",
"tr_weekNumber": "Semana {{ weekNumber }}",
"tr_attendanceRecordAdded": "Registro de asistencia añadido",
"tr_attendanceRecordAddedDesc": "Todos los totales, promedios y datos mensuales se actualizan automáticamente.",
"tr_congregationName": "Nombre de la congregación",
"tr_averageAttendanceWM": "Asistencia promedio a las reuniones de fin de semana",
"tr_numberReports": "Número de informes",
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/locales/es-SSP/forms-templates.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"tr_wtStudyReader": "Study reader",
"tr_weekendMeetingPrint": "Horario de reunión entre semana",
"tr_publicTalk": "Public talk",
"tr_openingPrayer": "Opening prayer",
"tr_openingPrayer": "Oración inicial",
"tr_noWMeetingWeek": "No hay reunión de fin de semana para esta semana",
"tr_noMeetingWeek": "No hay reunión para esta semana",
"tr_substituteSpeaker": "Substitute Speaker",
Expand All @@ -81,32 +81,32 @@
"tr_exportMidweekMeetinDesc": "Choose the schedules and forms you'd like to export and pick your preferred template. Organized saves your template choice for next time to make the export easier.",
"tr_specialTalkWeek": "Special talk",
"tr_wtStudyConductor": "Study conductor",
"tr_closingPrayer": "Closing prayer",
"tr_closingPrayer": "Oración final",
"tr_date": "Date",
"tr_S21Header": "Congregation's publisher record",
"tr_S21HoursComment": "(If pioneer or field missionary)",
"tr_remarks": "Remarks",
"tr_approvedAssignments": "Approved assignments",
"tr_credit": "Credit",
"tr_credit": "Crédito",
"tr_assistantS89": "Ayudante",
"tr_applicationAPS": "Application for auxiliary pioneer service",
"tr_applicationAPS": "Solicitud para el servicio de precursor auxiliar",
"tr_applicationAPSDesc": "Because of my love for Jehovah and my desire to help others to learn about him and his loving purposes, I would like to increase my share in the field service by enrolling as an auxiliary pioneer for the period indicated below:",
"tr_theMonthsOf": "For the month(s) of",
"tr_hoursGoal": "Hour goal",
"tr_theMonthsOf": "Por ser aprobada por miembros del comité de servicio:",
"tr_hoursGoal": "Meta de horas",
"tr_continuousAPS": "I desire to serve continuously as an auxiliary pioneer until further notice.",
"tr_pioneerApplicationMoral": "I am of good moral standing and habits. I have made plans that will enable me to meet the hour requirement.—See the <a href='' title='' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>June 2013 <em>Our Kingdom Ministry,</em> p. 2</a>.",
"tr_nameAPSApplication": "Name, serves as a signature",
"tr_noteAPSApplication": "NOTE: If possible, please submit this application at least a week before you desire to begin your auxilary pioneer service. This application is not to be sent to the branch office but, rather, will be kept by the congregation for its files.",
"tr_attentionServiceCommittee": "<p>Attention Congregation Service committee:</p><p>1. Is the applicant a good example in Christian living, being of good moral character? </p><p>2. Persons reproved or reinstated during the past year or those who still have restrictions on them do not qualify.</p><p>3. Have you consulted with the appropriate group overseer?</p>",
"tr_approvingAPSApplication": "To be approved by service committee members:",
"tr_approvingAPSApplication": "Por ser aprobada por miembros del comité de servicio:",
"tr_moreInformationForAP": "Interested in becoming a full-time pioneer? Apply at <a href='' title='JW HuB' target='_blank' rel='noopener'></a> or contact the elders in your congregation.",
"tr_btnSubmitApplication": "Submit application",
"tr_applicationSubmitted": "The application has been submitted",
"tr_applicationSubmittedDesc": "Service committee of your congregation will review it and if it’s approved, elders will notify you",
"tr_continuousAP": "I wish to serve continuously as an auxiliary pioneer until further notice.",
"tr_btnSubmitApplication": "Enviar solicitud",
"tr_applicationSubmitted": "La solicitud ha sido enviada",
"tr_applicationSubmittedDesc": "El comité de servicio de tu congregación la revisará, y si es aprobada, los ancianos se pondrán en contacto contigo",
"tr_continuousAP": "Deseo servir como precursor auxiliar de continuo hasta nuevo aviso.",
"tr_monthsPendingAP": "<p>You have already submitted the auxiliary pioneer application for the following months: <strong>{{ months }}</strong>. You can apply for future months at any time.</p>",
"tr_monthsApprovedAP": "<p>You have been approved to serve as an auxiliary pioneer during the following months: <strong>{{ months }}</strong>. You can apply for future months at any time.</p>",
"tr_averageAttendanceWeekly": "Average Attendance Each Week",
"tr_averageAttendanceMonthly": "Average Attendance Each Month",
"tr_averageAttendanceWeekly": "Asistencia promedio cada semana",
"tr_averageAttendanceMonthly": "Asistencia promedio cada mes",
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions src/locales/es-SSP/general.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,10 +101,10 @@
"tr_noThanks": "No, thanks",
"tr_shortDateFormatAlt": "MM/dd/yy",
"tr_shortDateFormatNoYear": "MM/dd",
"tr_januaryShort": "Jan",
"tr_januaryShort": "Ene",
"tr_februaryShort": "Feb",
"tr_marchShort": "Mar",
"tr_aprilShort": "Apr",
"tr_aprilShort": "Abr",
"tr_mayShort": "May",
"tr_juneShort": "Jun",
"tr_julyShort": "Jul",
Expand All @@ -115,31 +115,31 @@
"tr_decemberShort": "Dec",
"tr_published": "Published",
"tr_longDateWithYearAndDayLocale": "{{ day }}, {{ month }} {{ date }}, {{ year }}",
"tr_selectAll": "Select all",
"tr_verified": "Verified",
"tr_notSubmitted": "Not submitted",
"tr_pendingVerification": "Pending verification",
"tr_selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
"tr_verified": "Verificado",
"tr_notSubmitted": "No enviado",
"tr_pendingVerification": "Pendiente de verificación",
"tr_wholeYearIsSelected": "The 'Whole year' option is currently selected",
"tr_forceRefreshButtonTooltip": "Force refresh the app to check for updates if they aren't showing up. No data will be cleared.",
"tr_dateRangeSelectStart": "Select a start date first",
"tr_noNotifications": "No notifications yet",
"tr_noNotificationsDesc": "Important notifications will be displayed here.",
"tr_dateRangeSelectStart": "Selecciona una fecha de inicio primero",
"tr_noNotifications": "Sin notificaciones aún",
"tr_noNotificationsDesc": "Las notificaciones importantes se mostrarán aquí.",
"tr_userRoleChanged": "Access changed",
"tr_userRoleChangedDesc": "Your access rights in Organized have been changed recently. Log in to your account again for the changes to take effect.",
"tr_appliesOnlyToBrothers": "Applies only to brothers",
"tr_circuit": "Circuit: {{ circuitNumber }}",
"tr_ageInYearsAndMonths": "{{ years }} years, {{months}} months",
"tr_personHasNoAssignmentHistory": "This person has no assignment history yet",
"tr_appUserProfile": "App user account",
"tr_appUserProfileNotRegisteredDesc": "This person isn't using the app yet. You can create an Organized account for this person on the 'User accounts' page.",
"tr_circuit": "Circuito {{ circuitNumber }}",
"tr_ageInYearsAndMonths": "{{ years }} años, {{months}} meses",
"tr_personHasNoAssignmentHistory": "Esta persona no tiene historial de asignaciones",
"tr_appUserProfile": "Cuenta de usuario",
"tr_appUserProfileNotRegisteredDesc": "Esta persona no una la aplicación aún. Puedes crear una cuenta de Organized para esta persona en la página 'Cuentas de usuarios'.",
"tr_appUserProfileRegisteredDesc": "This person is already using the Organized. Last time online: <span class='h4'>{{ lastTimeOnline }}</span>. Edit other rights and settings on the 'User accounts' page.",
"tr_notYet": "Not yet",
"tr_manageUserProfileSettings": "Manage user account settings",
"tr_createUserProfile": "Create user account",
"tr_download": "Download",
"tr_import": "Import",
"tr_consoleWarningTitle": "!WARNING!",
"tr_createUserProfile": "Crear cuenta de usuario",
"tr_download": "Descargar",
"tr_import": "Importar",
"tr_consoleWarningTitle": "¡PRECAUCION!",
"tr_consoleWarningDesc": "This console is a powerful tool intended for developers. If you're not a developer, please avoid entering or pasting commands here – even if someone asks you to. This ensures your Organized app data always stay safe.",
"tr_manual": "Manual",
"tr_alphabetical": "Alphabetical"
"tr_alphabetical": "Alfabético"
42 changes: 20 additions & 22 deletions src/locales/es-SSP/meetings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
"tr_display": "Display",
"tr_hall": "Sala",
"tr_hallWithName": "Sala {{ name }}",
"tr_yourUserRecordOfTheList": "To find your name in the list, make sure your person record exists on the <a href='#'>All persons page</a>.",
"tr_yourPersonRecord": "Your person record",
"tr_export": "Export",
"tr_autofill": "Autofill",
"tr_infoPlanMidweekMeeting": "Select a week to start adding assignments and editing the program parts if needed. You can also use the Autofill feature and Organized will fill in assignments based on user qualifications.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,12 +66,12 @@
"tr_exportWM": "Export weekend meeting",
"tr_exportWMDesc": "Select which schedules to export.",
"tr_autofillCompleted": "Autofill completed",
"tr_autofillCompletedDesc": "Weekend assignments added to the selected weeks",
"tr_autofillCompletedDesc": "Asignaciones de fines de semana añadidas a las semanas seleccionadas",
"tr_newWeekAddedDesc": "You can find it in the meeting weeks list",
"tr_publishSchedulesDesc": "Select the schedules you want to publish for everybody in congregation to view them. Past schedules are accessible to everyone for 3 months after their expiration date.",
"tr_successfullyPublished": "Successfully published",
"tr_successfullyPublishedDesc": "Now everybody in your congregation can view the schedule and prepare for the assignments",
"tr_lastUpdated": "Last updated: {{ date }}",
"tr_lastUpdated": "Última actualización {{ date }}",
"tr_outgoingTalks": "Outgoing talks",
"tr_infoOutgoingTalk": "Brothers that will visit other congregations with a public talk",
"tr_speakersWithCount": "Oradores: {{ speakersCount }}",
Expand All @@ -95,7 +93,7 @@
"tr_online": "En línea",
"tr_present": "Presente",
"tr_numberOfMeetings": "Número de reuniones",
"tr_today": "Now",
"tr_today": "Hoy",
"tr_totalAttendance": "Asistencia total",
"tr_avgAttendance": "Promedio de asistencia",
"tr_avgOnline": "Promedio en línea",
Expand All @@ -111,20 +109,20 @@
"tr_customMeetingPartDesc": "Tu parte personalizada de la reunión. Si no se ingresa ninguna información, no se mostrará en el horario.",
"tr_customMeetingPartDelete": "Eliminar parte personalizada",
"tr_clearAllAssignmentsDesc": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas borrar todas las asignaciones creadas para esta reunión? Siempre puedes volver a asignarlas más tarde.",
"tr_templateS89": "S-89 template",
"tr_templateS140": "S-140 template",
"tr_templateS89": "Plantilla S-89",
"tr_templateS140": "Plantilla S-140",
"tr_templateS89Doc1x1Name": "1 assignment",
"tr_templateS89Doc1x1Desc": "per page, original size",
"tr_templateS89Doc1x1Desc": "por hoja, tamaño original",
"tr_templateS89Doc4x1Name": "4 assignments",
"tr_templateS89Doc4x1Desc": "per A4 page",
"tr_templateS140DefaultName": "S-140",
"tr_templateS140DescUp2Weeks": "Up to 2 weeks",
"tr_templateS140AppNormalName": "Standard",
"tr_tgwGems": "Spiritual gems",
"tr_localSpeaker": "Local speaker",
"tr_visitingSpeaker": "Visiting speaker",
"tr_tgwGems": "Busquemos perlas escondidas",
"tr_localSpeaker": "Orador local",
"tr_visitingSpeaker": "Orador visitante",
"tr_jwStreamRecording": "JW Stream recording",
"tr_reader": "Reader",
"tr_reader": "Lector",
"tr_conductor": "Conductor",
"tr_serviceTalk": "Service talk",
"tr_chairmanWeekendMeetingHistory": "Presidente de la Reunión de Fin de Semana",
Expand All @@ -146,18 +144,18 @@
"tr_toCurrentWeek": "Para la semana actual",
"tr_recordAttendance": "Registro de Asistencia",
"tr_assignmentPreferences": "Preferencias de asignación",
"tr_weeklyView": "Weekly view",
"tr_monthlyView": "Monthly view",
"tr_ayfAssignment": "Assignment {{ assignmentNumber }}",
"tr_lcPartNum": "Part {{ partNumber }}",
"tr_weeklyView": "Vista semanal",
"tr_monthlyView": "Vista mensual",
"tr_ayfAssignment": "Asignación {{ assignmentNumber }}",
"tr_lcPartNum": "Parte {{ partNumber }}",
"tr_notEditableInEditPartsMode": "Not editable in ‘Edit parts’ mode",
"tr_none": "None",
"tr_partNotIncludedForThisWeek": "This part isn’t included for this week",
"tr_partNotIncludedForThisWeek": "Esta parte no está incluida para esta semana",
"tr_customPart": "Custom part",
"tr_optional": "Optional",
"tr_optional": "Opcional",
"tr_addCustom": "Add custom",
"tr_preAssignedToTheChairman": "Pre-assigned to the chairman",
"tr_pastDates": "Past dates",
"tr_upcomingDates": "Upcoming dates",
"tr_selectAStudentFirst": "Select a student first"
"tr_preAssignedToTheChairman": "Pre-asignada al presidente",
"tr_pastDates": "Fechas pasadas",
"tr_upcomingDates": "Fechas futuras",
"tr_selectAStudentFirst": "Seleccione a un estudiante primero"

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