All notable changes to swisnl/geocoder-php-nationaal-georegister-provider
will be documented in this file.
Updates should follow the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.
- Nothing.
- Migrated to the new service URL. #8
- Expect a PSR-18 client instead of a PHP-HTTP client. N.B. PHP-HTTP clients implement this interface, so it should not be a breaking change.
- PHP <7.4 support
- Allow setting options per query using query data.
- Added (protected) visibility keyword to constants. Although this can be considered a breaking change, we consider it a bugfix as they were never meant to be public.
- PHP <7.3 support
- PHP 8 support #6
- PHP <7.2 support #6
- Fixed use case where reverse geocoding failed for results with special characters (e.g. umlaut).
- Fixed use case where "Undefined property: stdClass::$gemeentenaam" and "Undefined property: stdClass::$provincienaam" occured #4
- Add ext-json to composer.json
- Use official reverse geocoder endpoint instead of workaround
- Implement PDOK Locatieserver v3 instead of the old PDOK Geocoder (v1)
- Reverse geocoding feature
- Initial release