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traffic vignette (#1334)
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A simulation of traffic on intersecting roads.  This is a "dynamic vignette"---an animated, looping scene that a player might come upon in their exploration of the `swarm` world.  Such scenes would presumably be "paused" until within range of the player.

Makes use of structure templates (#1332) and records (#1148).

    scripts/ --scenario data/scenarios/Vignettes/roadway.yaml

  • Loading branch information
kostmo authored Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 06db9e8 commit adcb2c7
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Showing 5 changed files with 476 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions data/scenarios/00-ORDER.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Challenges
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions data/scenarios/Vignettes/00-ORDER.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions data/scenarios/Vignettes/_roadway/coordinator.sw
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
def forever : cmd unit -> cmd unit = \c. c ; forever c end

/** Teleports to a new location to execute a function
then returns to the original location before
returning the function's output value.
def atLocation = \newLoc. \f.
prevLoc <- whereami;
teleport self newLoc;
retval <- f;
teleport self prevLoc;
return retval;

def swapItem = \ent.
create ent;
emptyHere <- isempty;
if emptyHere {} {grab; return ()};
place ent;

def setRedPixel =
instant $ (
swapItem "pixel (R)";

def setGreenPixel =
instant $ (
swapItem "pixel (G)";

def changeToRed =
say "Red light";
make "bit (0)";
atLocation (17, 2) setGreenPixel;
wait 50;

def changeToGreen =
say "Green light";
make "bit (1)";
atLocation (17, 2) setRedPixel;
wait 100;

def alternate =

forever alternate;
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions data/scenarios/Vignettes/_roadway/drone.sw
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
def elif = \t. \then. \else. {if t then else} end
def else = \t. t end

def sumTuples = \t1. \t2.
(fst t1 + fst t2, snd t1 + snd t2);

def max = \a. \b.
if (a > b) {a} {b};

def mapTuple = \f. \t.
(f $ fst t, f $ snd t)

// modulus function (%)
def mod : int -> int -> int = \i.\m.
i - m * (i / m)

def abs = \n. if (n < 0) {-n} {n} end

def isEven = \n.
mod n 2 == 0;

Decide where to initially teleport to based on the initial coords.
def init :
[xMin : int, xMax : int, yMin : int, yMax : int]
-> [yWest : int, yEast : int, xSouth : int, xNorth : int]
-> cmd (bool * int) = \extents. \lanes.
let topCorner = (-18, 30) in
absloc <- whereami;
let loc = sumTuples absloc $ mapTuple (\x. -x) topCorner in
let xloc = abs $ fst loc in
let idx = xloc / 2 in

let yloc = abs (snd loc) in

randoffset <- random 5;
let baseoffset = 10 * idx in
let offset = randoffset + baseoffset in
let isLongitudinal = not $ isEven yloc in
let locdir = if isLongitudinal {
if (isEven xloc) {
(south, (lanes.xSouth, extents.yMax - offset))
} {
(north, (lanes.xNorth, extents.yMin + offset))
} {
if (isEven xloc) {
(east, (extents.xMin + offset, lanes.yEast))
} {
(west, (extents.xMax - offset, lanes.yWest))
} in
turn $ fst locdir;
teleport self $ snd locdir;
return (isLongitudinal, idx);

def isGreenLight = \isLongitudinal.
r <- robotnamed "stoplight";
isGreen <- as r {has "bit (1)"};
return $ isLongitudinal != isGreen;

def getCanMove :
[xWest : int, xEast : int, ySouth : int, yNorth : int]
-> bool
-> cmd bool
= \stoplines. \hasGreenLight.

d <- heading;
loc <- whereami;
let atStopLine = if (d == north) {
snd loc == stoplines.yNorth;
} $ elif (d == south) {
snd loc == stoplines.ySouth;
} $ elif (d == east) {
fst loc == stoplines.xEast;
} $ else {
// west
fst loc == stoplines.xWest;
} in

eitherNeighbor <- meet;
// TODO: Make sure we only consider the neighbor directly in front of us.
neighborIsStopped <- case eitherNeighbor
(\_. return false)
(\r. as r {has "bit (0)"}); // zero-bit means stopped

return $ hasGreenLight || not (atStopLine || neighborIsStopped);

def doTunnelWrap : [xMin : int, xMax : int, yMin : int, yMax : int] -> cmd bool = \extents.
myloc <- whereami;
didWrap <- if (fst myloc < extents.xMin) {
teleport self (extents.xMax, snd myloc);
return true;
} $ elif (fst myloc > extents.xMax) {
teleport self (extents.xMin, snd myloc);
return true;
} $ elif (snd myloc < extents.yMin) {
teleport self (fst myloc, extents.yMax);
return true;
} $ elif (snd myloc > extents.yMax) {
teleport self (fst myloc, extents.yMin);
return true;
} $ else {
return false;
return didWrap;

def moveWithWrap :
[xWest : int, xEast : int, ySouth : int, yNorth : int]
-> [xMin : int, xMax : int, yMin : int, yMax : int] // extents
-> bool
-> cmd (bool * bool)
= \stoplines. \extents. \isLongitudinal.

hasGreenLight <- isGreenLight isLongitudinal;
canMove <- getCanMove stoplines hasGreenLight;

wentThroughTunnel <- if canMove {
doTunnelWrap extents;
} {
return false;

try {
// Makes the "stopped" state queryable by other robots
if canMove {make "bit (1)"} {make "bit (0)"}
} {};

return (canMove, wentThroughTunnel);

def getNewDelayState :
-> [moveDelay : int, transitionCountdown : int]
-> [moveDelay : int, transitionCountdown : int]
= \canGo. \delayState.
if (not canGo) {
// reset to max delay and pause the countdown at max
[moveDelay=5, transitionCountdown=2];
} $ elif (delayState.moveDelay <= 0) {
// unchanged
} $ elif (delayState.transitionCountdown > 0) {
// decrement countdown
[moveDelay=delayState.moveDelay, transitionCountdown=delayState.transitionCountdown - 1];
} $ else {
// Decrement the delay and reset the countdown.
[moveDelay=max 0 $ delayState.moveDelay - 1, transitionCountdown=2];

Initially we wait several ticks between movements.
Then we continually decrease the delay by 1, until reaching no delay.
def advance :
-> bool
-> [xWest : int, xEast : int, ySouth : int, yNorth : int]
-> [xMin : int, xMax : int, yMin : int, yMax : int]
-> [moveDelay : int, transitionCountdown : int]
-> cmd unit
= \idx. \isLongitudinal. \stoplines. \extents. \delayState.

wait delayState.moveDelay;

result <- instant $ moveWithWrap stoplines extents isLongitudinal;
let canGo = fst result in
let wentThroughTunnel = snd result in
if wentThroughTunnel {
r <- random 50;
wait $ idx * 10 + r;
} {};

let newDelay = getNewDelayState canGo delayState in
advance idx isLongitudinal stoplines extents newDelay;

def go =
let extents = [xMin = -12, xMax=53, yMin = -15, yMax = 26] in
let lanes = [yWest = 7, yEast = 5, xSouth = 20, xNorth = 22] in
let stoplines = [xWest = 24, xEast = 17, ySouth = 9, yNorth = 2] in
result <- instant $ init extents lanes;
let isLongitudinal = fst result in
let idx = snd result in
advance idx isLongitudinal stoplines extents [moveDelay=5, transitionCountdown=2];


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