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get rid of memoizing delay
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byorgey committed Jun 19, 2024
1 parent 23b5398 commit 5a86484
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Showing 16 changed files with 104 additions and 183 deletions.
91 changes: 31 additions & 60 deletions src/swarm-engine/Swarm/Game/CESK.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ module Swarm.Game.CESK (
MemCell (..),

Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ module Swarm.Game.CESK (

-- ** Extracting information
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ data Frame
-- The 'Const' is used to track the original command for error messages.
FImmediate Const [WorldUpdate Entity] [RobotUpdate]
| -- | Update the memory cell at a certain location with the computed value.
| -- | Update the cell at a certain location in the store with the computed value.
FUpdate Addr
| -- | Signal that we are done with an atomic computation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,55 +186,38 @@ type Cont = [Frame]
type Addr = Int

-- | 'Store' represents a store, /i.e./ memory, indexing integer
-- locations to 'MemCell's.
data Store = Store {next :: Addr, mu :: IntMap MemCell}
-- locations to 'Value's.
data Store = Store {next :: Addr, mu :: IntMap Value}
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

-- | A memory cell can be in one of three states.
data MemCell
= -- | A cell starts out life as an unevaluated term together with
-- its environment.
E Term Env
| -- | When the cell is 'Force'd, it is set to a 'Blackhole' while
-- being evaluated. If it is ever referenced again while still
-- a 'Blackhole', that means it depends on itself in a way that
-- would trigger an infinite loop, and we can signal an error.
-- (Of course, we
-- < cannot
-- detect /all/ infinite loops this way>.)
-- A 'Blackhole' saves the original 'Term' and 'Env' that are
-- being evaluated; if Ctrl-C is used to cancel a computation
-- while we are in the middle of evaluating a cell, the
-- 'Blackhole' can be reset to 'E'.
Blackhole Term Env
| -- | Once evaluation is complete, we cache the final 'Value' in
-- the 'MemCell', so that subsequent lookups can just use it
-- without recomputing anything.
V Value
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance ToJSON MemCell where
toJSON = genericToJSON optionsMinimize

instance FromJSON MemCell where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON optionsMinimize

emptyStore :: Store
emptyStore = Store 0 IM.empty

-- | Allocate a new memory cell containing an unevaluated expression
-- with the current environment. Return the index of the allocated
-- cell.
allocate :: Env -> Term -> Store -> (Addr, Store)
allocate e t (Store n m) = (n, Store (n + 1) (IM.insert n (E t e) m))

-- | Look up the cell at a given index.
lookupStore :: Addr -> Store -> Maybe MemCell
lookupStore n = IM.lookup n . mu

-- | Set the cell at a given index.
setStore :: Addr -> MemCell -> Store -> Store
-- | Allocate a new memory cell containing a given value. Return the
-- index of the allocated cell.
allocate :: Value -> Store -> (Addr, Store)
allocate v (Store n m) = (n, Store (n + 1) (IM.insert n v m))

-- | Resolve a value, recursively looking up any indirections in the
-- store.
resolveValue :: Store -> Value -> Either Addr Value
resolveValue s = \case
VIndir loc -> lookupStore s loc
v -> Right v

-- | Look up the value at a given index, but keep following
-- indirections until encountering a value that is not a 'VIndir'.
lookupStore :: Store -> Addr -> Either Addr Value
lookupStore s = go
go loc = case IM.lookup loc (mu s) of
Nothing -> Left loc
Just v -> case v of
VIndir loc' -> go loc'
_ -> Right v

-- | Set the value at a given index.
setStore :: Addr -> Value -> Store -> Store
setStore n c (Store nxt m) = Store nxt (IM.insert n c m)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,18 +376,7 @@ prepareTerm e t = case whnfType (e ^. envTydefs) (ptBody (t ^. sType)) of

-- | Cancel the currently running computation.
cancel :: CESK -> CESK
cancel cesk = Up Cancel s' (cesk ^. cont)
s' = resetBlackholes $ cesk ^. store

-- | Reset any 'Blackhole's in the 'Store'. We need to use this any
-- time a running computation is interrupted, either by an exception
-- or by a Ctrl+C.
resetBlackholes :: Store -> Store
resetBlackholes (Store n m) = Store n ( resetBlackhole m)
resetBlackhole (Blackhole t e) = E t e
resetBlackhole c = c
cancel cesk = Up Cancel (cesk ^. store) (cesk ^. cont)

-- Pretty printing CESK machine states
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,7 +422,7 @@ prettyFrame f (p, inner) = case f of
FBind Nothing _ t _ -> (0, pparens (p < 1) inner <+> ";" <+> ppr t)
FBind (Just x) _ t _ -> (0, hsep [pretty x, "<-", pparens (p < 1) inner, ";", ppr t])
FImmediate c _worldUpds _robotUpds -> prettyPrefix ("I[" <> ppr c <> "") (p, inner)
FUpdate addr -> prettyPrefix ("S@" <> pretty addr) (p, inner)
FUpdate {} -> (p, inner)
FFinishAtomic -> prettyPrefix "" (p, inner)
FMeetAll _ _ -> prettyPrefix "" (p, inner)
FRcd _ done foc rest -> (11, encloseSep "[" "]" ", " (pDone ++ [pFoc] ++ pRest))
Expand Down
49 changes: 21 additions & 28 deletions src/swarm-engine/Swarm/Game/Step.hs
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Expand Up @@ -580,7 +580,12 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of
v <-
lookupValue x e
`isJustOr` Fatal (T.unwords ["Undefined variable", x, "encountered while running the interpreter."])
return $ Out v s k

-- Now look up any indirections and make sure it's not a blackhole.
case resolveValue s v of
Left loc -> throwError $ Fatal $ T.append "Reference to unknown memory cell " (from (show loc))
Right VBlackhole -> throwError InfiniteLoop
Right v' -> return $ Out v' s k

-- To evaluate a pair, start evaluating the first component.
In (TPair t1 t2) e s k -> return $ In t1 e s (FSnd t2 e : k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,12 +635,16 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of
-- let-bound expression.
In (TLet _ False x mty mreq t1 t2) e s k ->
return $ In t1 e s (FLet x ((,) <$> mty <*> mreq) t2 e : k)
-- To evaluate recursive let expressions, we evaluate the memoized
-- delay of the let-bound expression. Every free occurrence of x
-- in the let-bound expression and the body has already been
-- rewritten by elaboration to 'force x'.
In (TLet _ True x mty mreq t1 t2) e s k ->
return $ In (TDelay (MemoizedDelay $ Just x) t1) e s (FLet x ((,) <$> mty <*> mreq) t2 e : k)
-- To evaluate a recursive let binding:
In (TLet _ True x mty mreq t1 t2) e s k -> do
-- First, allocate a cell for it in the store with the initial
-- value of Blackhole.
let (loc, s') = allocate VBlackhole s
-- Now evaluate the definition with the variable bound to an
-- indirection to the new cell, and push an FUpdate stack frame to
-- update the cell with the value once we're done evaluating it,
-- followed by an FLet frame to evaluate the body of the let.
return $ In t1 (addValueBinding x (VIndir loc) e) s' (FUpdate loc : FLet x ((,) <$> mty <*> mreq) t2 e : k)
-- Once we've finished with the let-binding, we switch to evaluating
-- the body in a suitably extended environment.
Out v1 s (FLet x mtr t2 e : k) -> do
Expand All @@ -651,22 +660,10 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of
In (TBind mx mty mreq t1 t2) e s k -> return $ Out (VBind mx mty mreq t1 t2 e) s k
-- Simple (non-memoized) delay expressions immediately turn into
-- VDelay values, awaiting application of 'Force'.
In (TDelay SimpleDelay t) e s k -> return $ Out (VDelay t e) s k
-- For memoized delay expressions, we allocate a new cell in the store and
-- return a reference to it.
In (TDelay (MemoizedDelay x) t) e s k -> do
-- Note that if the delay expression is recursive, we add a
-- binding to the environment that wil be used to evaluate the
-- body, binding the variable to a reference to the memory cell we
-- just allocated for the body expression itself. As a fun aside,
-- notice how Haskell's recursion and laziness play a starring
-- role: @loc@ is both an output from @allocate@ and used as part
-- of an input! =D
let (loc, s') = allocate (maybe id (`addValueBinding` VRef loc) x e) t s
return $ Out (VRef loc) s' k
In (TDelay t) e s k -> return $ Out (VDelay t e) s k
-- If we see an update frame, it means we're supposed to set the value
-- of a particular cell to the value we just finished computing.
Out v s (FUpdate loc : k) -> return $ Out v (setStore loc (V v) s) k
Out v s (FUpdate loc : k) -> return $ Out v (setStore loc v s) k
-- If we see a primitive application of suspend, package it up as
-- a value until it's time to execute.
In (TSuspend t) e s k -> return $ Out (VSuspend t e) s k
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -839,19 +836,15 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of

-- If an exception rises all the way to the top level without being
-- handled, turn it into an error message.

-- HOWEVER, we have to make sure to check that the robot has the
-- 'log' capability which is required to collect and view logs.
-- Notice how we call resetBlackholes on the store, so that any
-- cells which were in the middle of being evaluated will be reset.
let s' = resetBlackholes s
h <- hasCapability CLog
em <- use $ landscape . terrainAndEntities . entityMap
when h $ void $ traceLog RobotError (exnSeverity exn) (formatExn em exn)
return $ case menv of
Nothing -> Out VExc s' []
Just env -> Suspended VExc env s' []
Nothing -> Out VExc s []
Just env -> Suspended VExc env s []

-- | Execute the given program *hypothetically*: i.e. in a fresh
-- CESK machine, using *copies* of the current store, robot
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/swarm-engine/Swarm/Game/Step/Arithmetic.hs
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Expand Up @@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ compareValues v1 = case v1 of
VBind {} -> incomparable v1
VDelay {} -> incomparable v1
VRef {} -> incomparable v1
VIndir {} -> incomparable v1
VRequirements {} -> incomparable v1
VSuspend {} -> incomparable v1
VExc {} -> incomparable v1
VBlackhole {} -> incomparable v1

-- | Values with different types were compared; this should not be
-- possible since the type system should catch it.
Expand Down
27 changes: 0 additions & 27 deletions src/swarm-engine/Swarm/Game/Step/Const.hs
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Expand Up @@ -966,33 +966,6 @@ execConst runChildProg c vs s k = do
_ -> badConst
Force -> case vs of
[VDelay t e] -> return $ In t e s k
[VRef loc] ->
-- To force a VRef, we look up the location in the store.
case lookupStore loc s of
-- If there's no cell at that location, it's a bug! It
-- shouldn't be possible to get a VRef to a non-existent
-- location, since the only way VRefs get created is at the
-- time we allocate a new cell.
Nothing ->
return $
Up (Fatal $ T.append "Reference to unknown memory cell " (from (show loc))) s k
-- If the location contains an unevaluated expression, it's
-- time to evaluate it. Set the cell to a 'Blackhole', push
-- an 'FUpdate' frame so we remember to update the location
-- to its value once we finish evaluating it, and focus on
-- the expression.
Just (E t e') -> return $ In t e' (setStore loc (Blackhole t e') s) (FUpdate loc : k)
-- If the location contains a Blackhole, that means we are
-- already currently in the middle of evaluating it, i.e. it
-- depends on itself, so throw an 'InfiniteLoop' error.
Just Blackhole {} -> return $ Up InfiniteLoop s k
-- If the location already contains a value, just return it.
Just (V v) -> return $ Out v s k
-- If a force is applied to any other kind of value, just ignore it.
-- This is needed because of the way we wrap all free variables in @force@
-- in case they come from a @def@ which are always wrapped in @delay@.
-- But binders (i.e. @x <- ...@) are also exported to the global context.
[v] -> return $ Out v s k
_ -> badConst
If -> case vs of
-- Use the boolean to pick the correct branch, and apply @force@ to it.
Expand Down
33 changes: 5 additions & 28 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Elaborate.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

-- |
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Expand All @@ -8,9 +7,8 @@
module Swarm.Language.Elaborate where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens (transform, (%~), (^.), pattern Empty)
import Control.Lens (transform, (^.))
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Types

-- | Perform some elaboration / rewriting on a fully type-annotated
-- term. This currently performs such operations as rewriting @if@
Expand All @@ -23,24 +21,14 @@ import Swarm.Language.Types
-- currently that sort of thing tends to make type inference fall
-- over.
elaborate :: TSyntax -> TSyntax
elaborate =
-- Wrap all *free* variables in 'Force'. Free variables must be
-- referring to a previous definition, which are all wrapped in
-- 'TDelay'.
(freeVarsS %~ \s -> Syntax' (s ^. sLoc) (SApp sForce s) (s ^. sComments) (s ^. sType))
-- Now do additional rewriting on all subterms.
. transform rewrite
elaborate = transform rewrite
rewrite :: TSyntax -> TSyntax
rewrite (Syntax' l t cs ty) = Syntax' l (rewriteTerm t) cs ty

rewriteTerm :: TTerm -> TTerm
rewriteTerm = \case
-- For recursive let bindings, rewrite any occurrences of x to
-- (force x). When interpreting t1, we will put a binding (x |->
-- delay t1) in the context.
-- Here we also take inferred types for variables bound by def or
-- Here we take inferred types for variables bound by def or
-- bind (but NOT let) and stuff them into the term itself, so that
-- we will still have access to them at runtime, after type
-- annotations on the AST are erased. We need them at runtime so
Expand All @@ -59,27 +47,16 @@ elaborate =
-- we'll infer them both at typechecking time then fill them in
-- during elaboration here.
SLet ls r x mty mreq t1 t2 ->
let wrap
| r = wrapForce (lvVar x) -- wrap in 'force' if recursive
| otherwise = id
mty' = case ls of
let mty' = case ls of
LSDef -> mty <|> Just (t1 ^. sType)
LSLet -> Nothing
in SLet ls r x mty' mreq (wrap t1) (wrap t2)
in SLet ls r x mty' mreq t1 t2
SBind x (Just ty) _ mreq c1 c2 -> SBind x Nothing (Just ty) mreq c1 c2
-- Rewrite @f $ x@ to @f x@.
SApp (Syntax' _ (SApp (Syntax' _ (TConst AppF) _ _) l) _ _) r -> SApp l r
-- Leave any other subterms alone.
t -> t

wrapForce :: Var -> TSyntax -> TSyntax
wrapForce x = mapFreeS x (\s@(Syntax' l _ ty cs) -> Syntax' l (SApp sForce s) ty cs)

-- Note, TyUnit is not the right type, but I don't want to bother

sForce :: TSyntax
sForce = Syntax' NoLoc (TConst Force) Empty (Forall ["a"] (TyDelay (TyVar "a") :->: TyVar "a"))

-- | Insert a special 'suspend' primitive at the very end of an erased
-- term which must have a command type.
insertSuspend :: Term -> Term
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/LSP/Hover.hs
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Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ narrowToPosition s0@(Syntax' _ t _ ty) pos = fromMaybe s0 $ case t of
SLet _ _ lv _ _ s1@(Syntax' _ _ _ lty) s2 -> d (locVarToSyntax' lv lty) <|> d s1 <|> d s2
SBind mlv _ _ _ s1@(Syntax' _ _ _ lty) s2 -> (mlv >>= d . flip locVarToSyntax' (getInnerType lty)) <|> d s1 <|> d s2
SPair s1 s2 -> d s1 <|> d s2
SDelay _ s -> d s
SDelay s -> d s
SRcd m -> asum . map d . catMaybes . M.elems $ m
SProj s1 _ -> d s1
SAnnotate s _ -> d s
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/LSP/VarUsage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,5 +109,5 @@ getUsage bindings (CSyntax _pos t _comments) = case t of
SBind maybeVar _ _ _ s1 s2 -> case maybeVar of
Just v -> checkOccurrences bindings v Bind [s1, s2]
Nothing -> getUsage bindings s1 <> getUsage bindings s2
SDelay _ s -> getUsage bindings s
SDelay s -> getUsage bindings s
_ -> mempty
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Parser/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,14 +98,8 @@ parseTermAtom2 =
<|> SRcd <$> brackets (parseRecord (optional (symbol "=" *> parseTerm)))
<|> parens (view sTerm . mkTuple <$> (parseTerm `sepBy` symbol ","))
-- Potential syntax for explicitly requesting memoized delay.
-- Perhaps we will not need this in the end; see the discussion at
-- /~ .
-- <|> parseLoc (TDelay SimpleDelay (TConst Noop) <$ try (symbol "{{" *> symbol "}}"))
-- <|> parseLoc (SDelay MemoizedDelay <$> dbraces parseTerm)

<|> parseLoc (TDelay SimpleDelay (TConst Noop) <$ try (symbol "{" *> symbol "}"))
<|> parseLoc (SDelay SimpleDelay <$> braces parseTerm)
<|> parseLoc (TDelay (TConst Noop) <$ try (symbol "{" *> symbol "}"))
<|> parseLoc (SDelay <$> braces parseTerm)
<|> parseLoc (view antiquoting >>= (guard . (== AllowAntiquoting)) >> parseAntiquotation)

-- | Construct an 'SLet', automatically filling in the Boolean field
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Pretty.hs
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Expand Up @@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ instance PrettyPrec (Term' ty) where
TRequire n e -> pparens (p > 10) $ "require" <+> pretty n <+> ppr @Term (TText e)
SRequirements _ e -> pparens (p > 10) $ "requirements" <+> ppr e
TVar s -> pretty s
SDelay _ (Syntax' _ (TConst Noop) _ _) -> "{}"
SDelay _ t -> group . encloseWithIndent 2 lbrace rbrace $ ppr t
SDelay (Syntax' _ (TConst Noop) _ _) -> "{}"
SDelay t -> group . encloseWithIndent 2 lbrace rbrace $ ppr t
t@SPair {} -> prettyTuple t
t@SLam {} ->
pparens (p > 9) $
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Requirements/Analysis.hs
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Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ requirements tdCtx ctx =
local @ReqCtx (maybe id Ctx.delete mx) $ go t2
-- Everything else is straightforward.
TPair t1 t2 -> add (singletonCap CProd) *> go t1 *> go t2
TDelay _ t -> go t
TDelay t -> go t
TRcd m -> add (singletonCap CRecord) *> forM_ (M.assocs m) (go . expandEq)
expandEq (x, Nothing) = TVar x
Expand Down

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