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Allow zero-tick recipes to apply immediately
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kostmo committed May 20, 2023
1 parent 39ae4ae commit 238bc50
Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 9 deletions.
31 changes: 22 additions & 9 deletions src/Swarm/Game/Step.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ stepRobot r = do
-- sendIO $ appendFile "out.txt" (prettyString cesk' ++ "\n")
return $ r' & machine .~ cesk'

-- replace some entity in the world with another entity
-- | replace some entity in the world with another entity
updateWorld ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (Throw Exn) sig m) =>
Const ->
Expand All @@ -609,9 +609,17 @@ updateWorld c (ReplaceEntity loc eThen down) = do
w <- use world
let eNow = W.lookupEntity (W.locToCoords loc) w
if Just eThen /= eNow
-- Can fail if a robot started a multi-tick "drill" operation on some entity
-- and meanwhile another entity swaps it out from under them.
then throwError $ cmdExn c ["The", eThen ^. entityName, "is not there."]
else updateEntityAt loc $ const down

applyRobotUpdates :: (Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m) => [RobotUpdate] -> m ()
applyRobotUpdates rf =
forM_ rf $ \case
AddEntity c e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount c e
LearnEntity e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount 0 e

-- | The main CESK machine workhorse. Given a robot, look at its CESK
-- machine state and figure out a single next step.
stepCESK :: (Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) => CESK -> m CESK
Expand All @@ -631,9 +639,7 @@ stepCESK cesk = case cesk of
case wc of
Left exn -> return $ Up exn s k
Right () -> do
forM_ rf $ \case
AddEntity c e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount c e
LearnEntity e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount 0 e
applyRobotUpdates rf
needsRedraw .= True
stepCESK (Out v s k)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2138,11 +2144,18 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
[WorldUpdate Entity] ->
[RobotUpdate] ->
finishCookingRecipe r v wf rf = do
time <- use ticks
let remTime = r ^. recipeTime
return . (if remTime <= 1 then id else Waiting (remTime + time)) $
Out v s (FImmediate c wf rf : k)
finishCookingRecipe r v wf rf =
if remTime <= 0
then do
mapM_ (\(ReplaceEntity loc _ newEntity) -> updateEntityAt loc $ const newEntity) wf
applyRobotUpdates rf
return $ Out VUnit s k
else do
time <- use ticks
return . (if remTime <= 1 then id else Waiting (remTime + time)) $
Out v s (FImmediate c wf rf : k)
remTime = r ^. recipeTime

deriveHeading :: HasRobotStepState sig m => Direction -> m Heading
deriveHeading d = do
Expand Down

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