Tools for easy and precise computations of oceanic transports of volume, heat, salinity and ice, as well as crosssections of the vertical plane of currents, temperature and salinity. StraitFlux works on various curvilinear modelling grids (+ regular grids), independant of the exact curvature, the number of poles and the used Arakawa partition. More information may be found in Winkelbauer et al. (2024).
Winkelbauer, S., Mayer, M., and Haimberger, L.: StraitFlux – precise computations of water strait fluxes on various modeling grids, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 4603–4620,, 2024.
StraitFlux is written in Python and requires python >=3.10. It was tested on Python 3.10.13 and 3.11.6.
The following packages have to be installed:
To use all functions and improve the performance also add:
You may download StraitFlux via pypi by running pip install StraitFlux
Note that ESMpy is not available via pypi and has to be installed prior to StraitFlux using conda!, you may run for instance:
conda create -n ENVNAME python=3.11.6 xesmf
conda activate ENVNAME
pip install StraitFlux
Alternatively ou may download all needed packages by e.g. running: conda create -n StraitFlux python=3.11.6 xarray netcdf4 xesmf xmip tqdm matplotlib dask
contains some easy examples to get started with the calculations (written fro a UNIX-environment).
Data files used in the notebook may be downloaded using Download.ipynb
via ESGF ( for CMIP6 and the Mercator Ocean OpenDAP system for reanalyses. You'll need about 3.7GB for the used CanESM5 files and about 16GB for the used reanalyses files.
If you use the code please cite Winkelbauer et al. (2023, see above).
StraitFlux is a free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.