This repository provides the code used to run the experiments of the paper "Multi-Class Learning: From Theory to Algorithm" (, which has been published in NeurIPS 2018.
Code used in experiments locates in ./code
We do experiments based on following softwares:
- Python 2.7
- MATLAB R2017b
- DOGMA toolbox from
- SHOGUN-6.1.3 from /~
- LIBSVM Tools from
- sklearn for python
- plant, psortPos, psortNeg and nonpl from
- others from
- Download data sets and move dataName.phylpro.mat, label_dataName.mat and dataName.scale to code/data/
- Create Gaussian kernels: change variable file_list in Test_Gaussian_Kernel.m and run
- Run following methods
- SMSD-MKL: change variables of data_sets in Test_SMSD_MKL.m and run
- Conv-MKL: change variables of data_sets in Test_Conv_MKL.m and run
- LMC: change variables of data_sets in and run
- OneVsOne: change variables of data_sets in Test_OneVsOne.m and run
- OneVsRest: change variables of data_sets in Test_OneVsOne.m and run
- GMNP: change variables of data_sets in and run
- l1 MC-MKL: change variables of data_sets in and run
- l2 MC-MKL: change variables of data_sets in and run
- UFO-MKL: change variables of data_sets in Test_UFO_MKL.m and run