Contains a collection of routines used to perform ngmix fits, including metacalibration, on SuperBIT images.
This repo has recently been significantly refactored into the new superbit_lensing
module. The module includes the following four submodules which can be used independently if desired:
: Contains scripts that generate the simulated SuperBIT observations used for validation and forecasting analyses. (Broken, will be fixed soon)medsmaker
: Contains small modifications to the original superbit-ngmix scripts that make coadd images, runs SExtractor & PSFEx, and creates MEDS files.metacalibration
: Contains scripts used to run the ngmix/metacalibration algorithms on the MEDS files produced by Medsmaker.shear-profiles
: Contains scripts to compute the tangential/cross shear profiles and output to a file, as well as plots of the shear profiles.
More detailed descriptions for each stage are contained in their respective directories.
Currently, the pipeline is designed to run on a single cluster at a time. In the future, a meta job script will be developed to automate batch processing across multiple clusters. For now, each job script is configured to process a single cluster, but multiple job scripts can run simultaneously, provided that each is properly set up for its respective cluster. The
file serves as a template, containing detailed instructions on how to configure and execute the pipeline for a specific cluster.
Before running the pipeline, a specific environemnt for superbit-lensing must be created.
First, clone the repo:
git clone /~
cd to this repo:
cd /path/to/repos/superbit-lensing
Create env from yml (e.g. sblens.yml
conda env create --name sblens --file sblens.yml
Activate new env:
conda activate sblens
Conda install ngmix:
conda install conda-forge::ngmix
Clone the meds repo outside of this repo:
git clone /~
cd to meds repo:
cd /path/to/repos/meds
Build the meds repo:
python install
cd to this repo:
cd /path/to/repos/superbit-lensing
pip install repo:
pip install -e .
Contact @GeorgeVassilakis at, @MayaAmit at, or @mcclearyj at you have any questions about running the pipeline - or even better, create an issue!