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Serious Engine: Ray Traced

Real-time path tracing support for Serious Engine 1.10.



  1. Prerequisites:

  2. Clone this repository:

    • git clone /~
  3. Fetch RTGL1 library submodule:

    • git submodule update --init
  4. Build RTGL1 library:

    • The library uses CMake: Sources/RTGL1/CMakeLists.txt
    • Some of the configs can be found in Sources/RTGL1/CMakeSettings.json
    • Make sure that compiled static library RayTracedGL1.lib is located in either Sources/RTGL1/Build/x64-Release or Sources/RTGL1/Build/x64-Debug
  5. Build shaders:

    • Run Sources/RTGL1/Source/Shaders/ This script compiles SPIR-V files and places them into Sources/RTGL1/Build
  6. Open solution Sources/AllTFE.sln in Visual Studio and build it.

    • The executables and libararies will be copied into Bin directory (or Bin/Debug if you are using the Debug configuration)

Other OS

Not supported.


This version of the engine comes with a set of resources (SE1_10.gro) that allow you to freely use the engine without any additional resources required.

However, to run Serious Sam: The First Encounter Ray Traced:

  1. Copy files from the original Serious Sam: The First Encounter
    • The list of required files is on the Releases page
  2. Unpack
    • Archive can be downloaded from the Releases page
    • It contains additional upscaled textures and PBR textures


  • When running a selected project, make sure its project settings on Debugging is set to the right command:
    • For debug: $(SolutionDir)..\Bin\Debug\$(TargetName).exe
    • For release: $(SolutionDir)..\Bin\$(TargetName).exe
  • And its working directory: $(SolutionDir)..\


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.

x64 port is based on /~ (GNU GPL v2).

Some of the code included with the engine sources is not licensed under the GNU GPL v2:

  • zlib (located in Sources/Engine/zlib) by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
  • LightWave SDK (located in Sources/LWSkaExporter/SDK) by NewTek Inc.
  • libogg/libvorbis (located in Sources/libogg and Sources/libvorbis) by Xiph.Org Foundation