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Pseudo Lang Compiler

A compiler made using C, flex and bison for a language that reads like pseudo code. Also comes with compiler options to print intermediate stages of the compiler to inspect it's inner workings.


  1. datatype99: Implementation of sum types in pure C to be used to represent and manipulate the AST concisely.

The header files are duplicated under the include/ directory.


Install make, and then build the program with make build. The compiler binary will be built, called pseudoc


$ ./pseudoc -h
Usage: psuedoc [options] filename

    -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Debug options
    -t, --tokens  print token stream
    -a, --ast     print syntax tree
    -s, --symtab  print symbol table
    -i, --ir      print 3 address intermediate code

Some test files are provided in the tests directory.

Syntax Showcase

name = "John"
add_last_name = true

if add_last_name then
	name = name + " Doe"
	display "not adding last name"

display name

for i = 1 to 2 * 2 do
	display i

max = 5
string = "a"

while max >= 0 do
	string = string + "a"
	display string
	max = max - 1