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A repository for all the STRANDS-augmented movebase, including 3D obstacle avoidance, etc.


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A repository for all the STRANDS-augmented movebase, including 3D obstacle avoidance, etc. Relies on scitos_2d_navigation if it is configured to only use laser scan input for navigation, /~


  • roslaunch strands_movebase movebase.launch map:=/path/to/map.yaml
  • To be able to use this package you have to create a map with gmapping. This can be run with rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping, save the map with rosrun map_server map_saver.
  • Each launch file takes the argument map which is the path to the map saved with gmapping.
  • Optionally, provide a with_no_go_map:=true and no_go_map, the path to a map annotated with no-go areas.
  • If you do not want to launch it with the 3d obstacle avoidance, provide the additional argument with_camera:=false.
  • Provide camera:=<camera_namespace> if you have an OpenNI camera publishing on another namespace than the default chest_xtion.
  • Optionally provide z_obstacle_threshold:=<value>, where <value> m is the distance from the floor above which we consider points as obstacles. Making this larger than the default 0.1 improves navigation robustness but may lead to missing small obstacles.
  • Same goes for z_stair_threshold:=<value>, the distance below which points are considered negative obstacles. Again, increasing improves robustness, but make sure you don't have any stairs with smaller gaps than this.

If you run with the camera option, be sure that you have a depth camera publishing on the camera_namespace topic. The camera also needs a valid TF transform connecting it to base_link. For more details on the Strands solution, see /~ and /~


A repository for all the STRANDS-augmented movebase, including 3D obstacle avoidance, etc.







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