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🌈 Colorful Terminal Dotfiles

Welcome to my Arch Linux dotfiles! This configuration brings a vibrant and colorful terminal experience to your system, featuring tools and themes that are as functional as they are visually pleasing.

✨ Features

  • Colorful Shell: Powered by zsh with the stunning Powerlevel10k theme.
  • Colorful ls: Enhanced directory listings with color-coded file types.
  • Colorful nano: Syntax highlighting and a colorful interface for better text editing.
  • Fastfetch: A blazing-fast system information tool to showcase your setup in style.

⚙️ Tools and Themes

Shell: Zsh

  • Theme: Powerlevel10k (p10k)
    • Sleek, highly customizable, and packed with features.
    • Includes a step-by-step configuration wizard to tailor the look to your preferences. fastfetch

Colorful LS

  • LSD is a rewritten version of the GNU ls command with additional features like colors, icons, and tree-view, inspired by the colorls project.

Colorful Nano

  • Pre-configured with syntax highlighting for various file types.
  • Brings a modern feel to the lightweight nano text editor.
  • found under .nano/nanorc


  • Displays system information quickly and beautifully, perfect for showing off your Arch Linux setup.

Install dependencies

Make sure you have the following installed:

Follow the Instructions and use pacman to install any missing dependencies. For example:

sudo pacman -S zsh lsd fastfetch stow

Backup your current dotfiles:

mkdir -p ~/dotfiles_backup
cp ~/dotfiles ~/dotfiles_backup

🚀 Apply dotfiles

  1. Clone this repository:
mkdir ~/dotfiles/
git clone /~
  1. Apply these dotfiles:
cd dotfiles
stow .
  1. Restart your terminal: Once installed, restart your terminal or run:
source ~/.zshrc

🎨 Preview

Here’s what your terminal can look like with this configuration:

  • Shell: Clean, colorful prompts with useful info.
  • LS: Color-coded directory listings.
  • Nano: Enhanced text editing experience.
  • Fastfetch: Stylish system information display.

🛠️ Customization

  • Modify .zshrc for additional aliases, plugins, or settings.
  • Edit .p10k.zsh to tweak the Powerlevel10k theme.
  • Update .nanorc for specific syntax highlighting preferences.

📜 License

This repository is open source and available under the MIT License.

💡 Credits