Calunium is an Arduino clone using the ATmega164A, ATmega164PA ATmega324A, ATmega324PA, ATmega644A, ATmega644PA, ATmega1284 or ATmega1284P microcontroller. The layout is designed for easy assembly and maximum compatibility with the Arduino Uno, with additional functionality being compatible with the Arduino Mega(2560).
Unless indicated otherwise hardware is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Unless indicated otherwise software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1.
A brief description of the versions is given below. In each case peripherals can be omitted form the build if not need.
The analogue pin mapping differs slightly for the stripboard version. For more information see
Includes a real-time clock and LM61 temperature sensor. Standard Arduino headers and JTAG, FTDI and auxillary power connectors. USB connector for power and V-USB interface (not confirmed to work). Can be operated at 3.3V or 5V depending upon build configuration. Not jumper selectable. For more information see
Includes real-time clock, micro-SD socket, RFM12B radio module, and LM61 temperature sensor. Arduino 1.0 headers with IOREF and dedicated I2C pins. JTAG, FTDI and auxillary power connectors. USB connector for power only. Jumper-selectable 3.3V or 5V operation. For more information see
Includes MCP2200 USB-UART converter, real-time clock, micro-SD socket, RFM12B radio module, and LM61 temperature sensor. Arduino 1.0 headers with IOREF and dedicated I2C pins. JTAG and auxillary power connectors. If the MCP2200 is fitted then the FTDI connector cannot be fitted, but the USB socket is enabled for data. If the MCP2200 is not fitted the FTDI connector can be, but the USB socket is for power only. Jumper-selectable 3.3V or 5V operation. For more information see
The headers include IOREF and dedicated I2C pins. For more information see and
Xboot and OptiBoot bootloaders are included. To avoid too many items in boards menu the optiboot versions are commented out.
The xboot source files can be found at /~