TIBCO BusinessWorks 6 Compress Plugin for Zip, GZ and Tar activities
This plugin adds a Compress palette to BW6 with Zip, Unzip, GZ deflate, GZ inflate, tar and untar activities. It was created and tested on BW6.2.1 HF3
Reference documentation is available at: http://digilander.libero.it/otacoconvention/archivi/TIBCO_BW6_Compress_plugin/index.html
To access the documentation from BusinessStudio you must be connected to the internet, right click on the activity and choose Help->Reference page. You can also download the zipped documentation from the Docs folder
Please refer to the PDK development doc for how setup Eclipse and the child Eclipse, import the projects and edit the plugin: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/bwpdk/6.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_bwpdk_6.0_developer's_guide.pdf
The sources are under Sources/Compress
The sample projects SampleZip and SampleUnzip under Sources can instead be imported as "Studio project from Archive". They require you to install the Compress plugin in your Eclipse to work
If you intend to view/edit the source, after importing the Design/Module projects in your workspace, make sure to change the Target Platform to "Running Platform": Window->Preferences->Plug-in Development->Target Platform
For the Runtime projects instead the default bw-runtime is correct
The Apache Commons Compress library is deployed in a library bundle instead of being embedded in the plugin now
Project is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license