Bugfix rollup + PiMP features.
New and Changed in this release:
Super Priority Pool - One pool can be set 'Super Priority', and it will always be Priority 0, even when dead. Normal pool switching and miner restart will not unset it. This feature is useful to miners who lease rig time (at betarigs for example) and to new coin miners. In both cases the pool of interest can be set Super Priority, and when it comes alive the miner will switch to it automatically.
Changes to how Miner Profiles are built - "--config" is now implied by the Miner Config field, it is not necessary to add it to your Miner Options. This will eliminate mismatch errors. The Options field now performs some format validation.
Clear All Graphs now happens immediately.
New Themes!
Current features:
Add or Remove pools, or Switch priority, from the web GUI without stopping your miner.
Miner Profiles allow you to switch algos and/or configs with ease.
All Mining Strategies supported, including Load Balance with quotas.
Stats header with Total Accepted/Rejected/Ratio, Work Util, HW errors, Uptime, Load, Free Mem.
Stop/start/restart the miner from the Overview, with version and run time display.
GPU and Pool details pages, including native graphing with persistence.
Miner details page with reboot control, SSH to Host link and Configuration Editor.
Email alert notifications for GPUs and Pools, including hung or stopped miner.
GUI settings page - easy access to your PoolManager configuration.
Password Manager for htpasswd - no shell needed for user management.
Improved install script enables SSL redirection (and optional default page password) for security.
Farm Overview, including miner versions, active pools, and last page refresh time.
Easy CSS theming, with several themes included.
Many thanks to the many volunteers who assisted with testing, bug reporting, and code contributions.
Absolutely NO hidden donate code!
You can trust the IFMI brand to never include any kind of auto donate or hash theft code.
If you love it, please donate!
BTC: 1JBovQ1D3P4YdBntbmsu6F1CuZJGw9gnV6
LTC: LdMJB36zEfTo7QLZyKDB55z9epgN78hhFb
Donate your hashpower directly at http://coinshift.com/