obsidian android sync
- To be more secure please try to use your own Google Drive API keys
- Create a pull request to contribute
- To run it automatically in backgroud you can use crontab or something similar in Termux
Install Termux and Termux:Widget from F-Droid
Run in Termux
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install git
git clone /~https://github.com/starfreck/obsidian-android-sync.git
mv obsidian-android-sync/* .
rm -rf obsidian-android-sync
chmod 777 -R .
Once you are done setting up 'rclone', we will update sync paths on config.py
python3 update_config.py "pathA" "pathB"
# Create a folder name 'Obsidian' in root of your Cloud Storage
# Replcae 'gdive' in below command with your given name i.e. 'mega' etc.
# Do not change '/storage/emulated/0/Documents/Obsidian' because Obsidian by default look into Documents folder
python3 ~/update_config.py "gdrive:Obsidian" "/storage/emulated/0/Documents/Obsidian"
# if you mess up then just use "syncrclone --new config.py" to create new config.py
- Go to 'Widget' and add new Widget "Sync.sh. See the example here. After that click on new shortcut and your sync will start automatically.