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v0.6 pre alpha

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@stabu-dev stabu-dev released this 30 Dec 11:58
· 1887 commits to master since this release

Meet new release!
Omaloon - v0.6-pre alpha!

What's new:

Added a new turret! Tau - Anti-Aircraft turret for Omaloon

Grumon, Zarini and Valkon resprite
grumon zarini valkon

2 new walls - Zarini modular wall and Tungsten modular wall
These walls have a somewhat interesting feature, they can be connected. When they are connected, the damage received by one wall will spread evenly to the others.

Pressure system
Perhaps the most interesting of all that was added. It is a system like the heat from Erekir. Pressure is needed to factories and turrets - [not yet used]. In future updates, we will develop ways to use pressure, but even now there are already the first blocks that require pressure to work.

Multi Factory
Yes, reworked again :) Changed the craft recipes of all items. For example, to create a valkon, you also need pressure.
Also, now the multi factory will save its config. Now if your multi factory was destroyed by enemies and you rebuilt it, you don't have to choose the craft again, it is saved. The same can be said about schemes.

Factory for improved zarini production - Zarini boiler

Factory for improved valkon production - Valkon press

Omalite centrifuge revork!

+few small fixes that are not even worth tell about