This repo accompanies the paper "The promise of energy-efficient battery-powered urban aircraft" by Shashank Sripad and Venkat Viswanathan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 9, 2021 118 (45) e2111164118
The specific energy estimates were presented in a follow-up article in The Wall Street Journal by Jon Sindreu.
Insights from the paper were featured in The Fast Company.
The Ragone plot from the work was featured in The Wall Street Journal by Jon Sindreu. A new EVTOL VX4 from Vertical Aerospace was also shown in the list.
Figure 2 from the paper which shows the battery requirements for various EVTOL aircraft was featured in a Forbes story by Jeremy Bogaisky about Beta Technologies
The paper was mentioned in a story by Elan Head on
We spoke to the Beta Technologies team who provided additional inputs. See the LinkedIn update post.
Mark Moore, pioneer of Distributed Electric Propulsion and revered aerospace engineer posted about the paper.
Daniel Raymer commented about it!
The paper was covered in Big Think by Ross Pomeroy
The paper was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences