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- git cli (/~https://github.com/git-guides/install-git)
- Fork this repo
- Run
git clone /~https://github.com/[REPLACE_REPO_NAME]/ybdb-vanguard.git
to clone the forked repo to the local workstation - Run
cd ybdb-vanguard
to change the directory to the cloned repo
distributed sql: This will help you get started with yugabyte db and explore the distributed sql universe.
Select an exercise:
1. Into the distributed and postgres++ sql universe
2. Query tuning tips and tricks
3. Development innerloop workflow
4. Java microservices
5. Java testcontainers
6. Securing Spring Boot Microservices
7. Data migration workflow from mysql to ybdb
8. Data migration workflow from mariadb to ybdb
9. Data migration workflow from postgres to ybdb
10. Change data capture(CDC) workflow from ybdb to postgres
11. Change data capture(CDC) streaming workflow from ysql to ycql
12. Data distribution and scalability
13. Data replication, fault tolerance and high availability
Enter the number of the exercise (0 to exit): 1
Initializing the workspace for Into the distributed and postgres++ sql universe.
[main 5e2b86a] Into the distributed and postgres++ sql universe
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 391 bytes | 391.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
To /~https://github.com/srinivasa-vasu/ybdb-vanguard.git
eb1bb44..5e2b86a main -> main
Workspace initialized.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
sql universe: This will help you get started with query tuning and have a better understanding of the distributed sql universe.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
inner loop: This will explore the development innerloop workflow and guide bulding an application from scratch. This provides a hands-on experience of interacting with yugabyte db.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
java microservices: This will explore the java microservices like spring boot, quarkus, and micronaut integration with yugabytedb.
testcontainers: This will explore the java testcontainers integration with yugabytedb.
secure by default: This will explore securing Spring Boot application with YugabyteDB over TLS using the native cloud secret management services
yb-voyager: This will explore the voyager tool to migrate mysql to yugabytedb.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
yb-voyager: This will explore the voyager tool to migrate mariadb to yugabytedb.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
yb-voyager: This will explore the voyager tool to migrate postgres to yugabytedb.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
cdc: This will explore yugabytedb's change data capture.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
cdc-stream: This will explore spring cloud stream microservices based cdc integration from ysql to ycql through a supplier-processor-consumer pattern.
scale out: This will explore yugabytedb's data distribution and horizontal scalability.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.
chaos engineering: This will explore yugabytedb's fault tolerance and high availability.
Choose the exercise index and launch the repo using Open in Gitpod action.