This guide walks you through using IntelliJ IDEA to build one of the Getting Started guides.
You’ll pick a Spring guide and import it into IntelliJ IDEA. Then you can read the guide, work on the code, and run the project.
About 15 minutes
JDK 6 or later
If you don’t have IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate Edition) installed yet, visit the link up above. From there, you can download a copy for your platform. To install it simply unpack the downloaded archive.
When you’re done, go ahead and launch IntelliJ IDEA.
To import an existing project you need some code, so clone or copy one of the Getting Started guides, e.g. the REST Service guide:
$ git clone /~
With IntelliJ IDEA up and running, click Import Project on the Welcome Screen, or File | Open on the main menu:
In the pop-up dialog make sure to select either Maven's pom.xml or Gradle's build.gradle file under the complete folder:
IntelliJ IDEA will create a project with all the code from the guide ready to run.
The following guide may also be helpful: